This is the most important prophetic post you will ever read, and the one I am most reluctant to publish. I don’t say that for “click bait” or just to get you to read it. It’s a fact. This is not some general prophesy that uses generalities and metaphors. I stay in tuned with financial markets and the economy, and God has shown me how these spiritual and natural dots connect. The Spirit has been showing me things over the past few years and I have kept them in my heart because this picture has not become clear enough to share in a meaningful way. Also, there has not been an urging from the Holy Spirit to share it, until now. I posted something on this website a few years ago, but it was general, because that is all I could see in the Spirit. This post is specific to today and the very near future. It alarms me that I don’t see any videos or posts that really see the details I am seeing. Its like I am watching a ball game, and I see something happening on the field that’s God in action and its amazing, and I ask to my left and right, “did you see that”, and they say “see what”. So get ready, settle in, this is a long post, but first let me say this…
Continue reading “Mark of the Beast 666”