God is!

God is! Prophets have tried to describe him using words from their heart and mind and soul, if even words can live in the soul of a person. But words fail don’t they? Thoughts fail also. Even in our imaginations, though we see images, what we see fails in comparison to what we know. But we don’t know Him, we cannot, ever, until we are in heaven with Him. But we can Know Him, with a capital “K”. Capitalizing the word Knowing encapsulates all that heaven has reveled to us in our spirit about Him, all that we have learned by reading the scriptures, and also all we have experienced of Him with Him by the Holy Spirit. Having stated how impossible it is to explain who God is and describe Him, I will still try here.

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How Did Jesus React

How do you react?  It’s a very good question.  I realized a while back that how I react, or whether I react or not, is very spiritual.  What is my reaction to a trigger for fear or faith?  Do I let someone, something, a situation, an event, the words of others to cause a reaction in me, and then from me either in words or actions that I won’t like when I am done reacting?  If one of my main goals in life is to live my life in every way that is first and foremost pleasing to God, then how I react is everything, and do I react in ways that please Him. 

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