End Times, Antichrist, AI, and Evil

Fact: The US government released all Pharma from liability so they could create a vaccine quickly and distribute it in high volume to the general public without fear of being sued for any of it. The Covid 19 crisis demanded quick action, and justified the liability release, so it could save lives. Big Pharma produced a vaccine that had not been tested, and injected it under a huge marketing campaign into as many willing humans as possible. Some say 80% of our population has been vaccinated with the vaccine that is programmable, and alters the pure, God designed, DNA. In effect, a great, world wide, very profitable, laboratory experiment. Was it too much, too fast? Only time will tell, as we watch and learn the results of this great experiment in real time. But will we ever know the truth? Did we really need it? Comparing the lives of those who were vaccinated versus those who were not years from now may be the truth of it. Next up, AI, artificial intelligence. Do we really need AI?

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666 Explained

Revelation 13:18 says,  “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” Do you want to know its meaning? How can you know?  How does someone receive a Revelation from the Father?  To receive a revelation from God, it requires a few things of you.  First know that it does not come from you, your mind, even your imagination, no matter how much you want to know it.  Second, ask honestly, why do you want to know it?  Is not His Grace and your Faith sufficient for you to live each day fulfilled pleasing Him?  Do you want a revelation for your needs, or His?  Why would He want you to know such things?  Maybe it is better for you if you do not know.  Do we really know what is best for ourselves?  True, sincere prayer can answer this for you. 

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