I want to share some very personal things with you. These pictures that you see on my website. They are not some pictures I grabbed off the Internet or borrowed. I took each and everyone of them myself. They are from years and years of taking photographs. I love to capture life, the Father’s creation, not just with words, but with pictures and video. The joy of the Lord can be found in his creation, if we are spiritually aware and can see it. I can take a beautiful photo of the sunset. One person could say, yeah that’s nice. Another could say, isn’t it amazing how infinitely wonderful God is to have created such a thing, and he does it constantly, everywhere you look, if you take the time and the attention off the busy life, and seek it, find it, and appreciate it. I am truly grateful to Him for having the opportunity to witness it. And the majesty in His creations never gets old or taken for granted. Or does it?
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