Understanding God?

Can you serve a God that you don’t understand? Being vulnerable and insecure is natural for all of us to avoid. We want to feel safe secure comfortable. And what do we put our faith and trust in? Ourselves? A parent or guardian? God? Do we as children obey our parents without question?   So do we have to understand God in order to put our faith and trust in him? Our initial answer is probably yes, which is the wrong answer if we were to ask God. Since we can never understand him I’m sure if he were to answer he would say it is illogical to expect to, and as illogical to wait until we do before we put our trust and faith in him.

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God’s Healing Music Frequency

I have been sick for about 6 weeks now (post date : 01-26-2024) , and getting over it just today I believe.  The coughing that took me to blackout and just short of it, is less now.  Chest congestion, head congestion, ear aches, body aches, foggy thinking, stomach aches, no taste or smell of food, and if there was, it was awful.  Through that time praying was hard, much more difficult than ever before, and just having hope was impossible.  Hope in what?  Another night and day of certain misery until?  Its one thing to be sick for a few days, even a couple weeks, but 6 weeks!  I knew and know God is with me, in me, but it became also clear he was letting me go through the length and width and breathe of this sickness.  Perseverance is a very unwelcomed teacher.  It teaches lessons we don’t want to have to learn.  It reveals in us complacency, taking things for granted, even apathy.  But, I didn’t care really, if there was a good reason for it in the end or not.  I just wanted it to be over with.  So I prayed angry prayers, why wouldn’t he heal me!  I mean out loud, yelling to Him, to His face.  I knew he could, I hoped he would, but he did not. 

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We Have A Dog Named Bear

He is a family dog, and I get to spend some time with him.   His name is Bear .  He likes me because I give him treats, show him singular affection, and tell him what good boy he is.  Since there are seven dogs on the farm, competition for food, treats and affection is fierce.   I am training him to sit and stay and to not knock me over, not steal my lunch, and, oh yes, stay off the furniture.

You may say that’s nice, but what does that have to do about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. Well allow me to explain…

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If I

If I could Speak to the whole world at once and was guaranteed their full undivided attention for 60 seconds what would I say?

If I could stand before God for one hour with all of heaven watching and listening what would I say?

If I could silence the world, as if it did not exist, and quiet my mind in perfect peace, and my body was at complete rest in no pain, yet awake and fully aware of my past present and future, what would I think and dwell on for ten minutes?

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Are You Ready? No You’re Not! And It’s OK.

Are you Ready to Meet Jesus? No your  not, nor will you ever be.  Just come as is.

Are you ready? No you are not! But that’s OK, and that is how it should be. Here is a truth, if you are waiting to give your life to Jesus until you are ready, you will never be ready, ever. If you are waiting until you are worthy, you will never be worthy enough, ever. If you are waiting until you are presentable to Him, you will never be presentable. If you are waiting for the right time in your life, when it is easy, convenient, and you have time for it and for Him, it will never be easy, never be convenient, and you will never have the time, or find the right time to do it. Are you waiting for permission from someone, something, yourself? There is none and none is coming. Are you waiting for the right person to pray with you, teach you how, guide you? No one can do this but you, and you don’t need anyone else, and they cannot do it for you anyways. It’s all up to you and only you. Are you waiting until you can plan it, speak to your church or pastor, read enough of the Bible, study enough sermons and holy talk? There is no additional knowledge of life or scripture needed, no person to pray with or discuss it, can make this happen for you. He wants your heart “as is” and now, not later, because later may never come.

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God is!

God is! Prophets have tried to describe him using words from their heart and mind and soul, if even words can live in the soul of a person. But words fail don’t they? Thoughts fail also. Even in our imaginations, though we see images, what we see fails in comparison to what we know. But we don’t know Him, we cannot, ever, until we are in heaven with Him. But we can Know Him, with a capital “K”. Capitalizing the word Knowing encapsulates all that heaven has reveled to us in our spirit about Him, all that we have learned by reading the scriptures, and also all we have experienced of Him with Him by the Holy Spirit. Having stated how impossible it is to explain who God is and describe Him, I will still try here.

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How Did Jesus React

How do you react?  It’s a very good question.  I realized a while back that how I react, or whether I react or not, is very spiritual.  What is my reaction to a trigger for fear or faith?  Do I let someone, something, a situation, an event, the words of others to cause a reaction in me, and then from me either in words or actions that I won’t like when I am done reacting?  If one of my main goals in life is to live my life in every way that is first and foremost pleasing to God, then how I react is everything, and do I react in ways that please Him. 

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A Field was planted by God

I am the vine you are the branches
I am the vine you are the branches

He cleared and tilled and planted a field with good soil. His seeds germinated, sprouted, and grew well. His enemies saw the sprouts but were very busy with their plans to distract, deceive and destroy the world and everyone in it. They did not pay the field any heed.  The plants grew and multiplied.

Then satan noticed the field was growing and now in full bloom. So he sent a beast to destroy the field and all the plants by mowing them over and rolling them under. He left believing he had completely destroyed all God had accomplished.  Very soon the rains came and as the sun shown brightly on the field, the scattered pieces of the vines of the plants that were tilled under grew quickly into small plants, and the field was covered with them again.   

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A message to all those who have Hacked this website

I wanted to post this very important message to all those who have tried and succeeded at hacking this website over the past months. Whether they have been bots or real humans hand typing their way to try to destroy this website and its message, its wrong. Even the lesser attempts, such as registering as a member, and using false email, just so you can infect the site, and use it for your own purposes, such as even advertising, its simply wrong. It is an offense against God. Imagine walking into a church, pick a church of any kind, even the one you might attend or want to attend one day. And as you enter it you deface it, vandalize it, and scream blasphemies into its air.

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Mark of the Beast 666

This is the most important prophetic post you will ever read, and the one I am most reluctant to publish.  I don’t say that for “click bait” or just to get you to read it.  It’s a fact.  This is not some general prophesy that uses generalities and metaphors.  I stay in tuned with financial markets and the economy, and God has shown me how these spiritual and natural dots connect.  The Spirit has been showing me things over the past few years and I have kept them in my heart because this picture has not become clear enough to share in a meaningful way. Also, there has not been an urging from the Holy Spirit to share it, until now.  I posted something on this website a few years ago, but it was general, because that is all I could see in the Spirit. This post is specific to today and the very near future.  It alarms me that I don’t see any videos or posts that really see the details I am seeing.  Its like I am watching a ball game, and I see something happening on the field that’s God in action and its amazing, and I ask to my left and right, “did you see that”, and they say “see what”.  So get ready, settle in, this is a long post, but first let me say this…

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Holy Spirit Prompts

Jesus was a homeless carpenter.  He chose disciples that were common trades men, doing manual labor, and women from all walks of life.  He cherished children.  He hung out with people with no standing, sinners, the poor, the sick and the disabled. I often wondered why He would choose them, choose me, for anything, but he did, and for that I am eternally grateful and blessed.   I don’t have a PHD.  I have no position, no wealth, no social standing.  I am a small business man and manage and maintain community associations, just being real. (yes sharing personal info) I am older now, and mostly just supervise, but in past for many years one day per week I would ride a lawn mower and cut grass with my crew. 

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It’s Simple, Don’t complicate it

It is simple.  A statement for the universe and for eternity.  A fact for everything that is and what will be.  Life is simple, and the purpose of life is simple.  Humans complicate it. Everything that I think, say, do and write is based on one simple fact, God is, He is Life, and he has gifted us our lives. We could not even exist with Him. It is the Truth, the pretext, the premise, the one certain factor in everything.  Here is another simple fact.  When you take your last breath, you will be face to face with Him, and how will that conversation and experience go for you?

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The End Of This Age

There is a change happening, of such magnitude, the world has never seen, to each one of us, whether we realize it or not, and most do not.  Every life on earth is being touched by it.  The spirit of the antichrist is responsible for this major change in the world, and the many specific changes being spawned by it.  It is so significant and wide reaching every one of us will have to choose to accept these changes, or not. I will be writing about this as a series, so look fore future posts. For now let me just say these few things.

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Trust Jesus

Just start talking to God like he was sitting right next to you. He likes that.

These times are difficult for most of us. We’ve been isolated, distanced, remoted ( know that is not a word, but it is now for me, Webster take note) from each other. Staying healthy is a challenge, both mentally and physically. Keeping faith in God takes more effort, since we are more alone in our prayers, worship, and songs. Trusting Him is the same act, but we have to encourage ourselves more often, since we need to do more of it, and we have less encouragers. It’s so much easier to get pumped up in your spirit when you are worshiping with many others. It’s great to get out and be among others, but if we are honest, we still fear getting the virus. And what that is, is for another post sometime. But the reality is, the anxiety and fear are felt more often than we admit. And they cripple us, and steal our joy for life. But we cannot let them.

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Pray, Often, It Does A Soul Good

Just pray, and see what happens.

Pray. How many of us pray, during the day, when it is not convenient, and even unceasingly? It is a most difficult thing to do, and yet, the most powerful and useful thing we can do. Prayer opens the flow of our Relationship with the Father, when we can receive all things, and see clearly His work in others and in us. Prayer invites the Holy Spirit to talk to us, show us God’s plan, His will.  If we do not pray, we see with our own eyes, listen with our own ears, do what we want to do. But, if we pray, we see and hear God, and do what He wants, and then we can please Him.

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I Know the Man, Jesus

This is a poem, entitled “I Know The Man”.  It is intended to be a song one day.  So until that happens, I am hoping this post and poem will bring light into your life, the light of Jesus.  I hope you like it.  Just imagine a tune as you are reading it, one that is happy, encouraging, heavenly. 
I know the man…

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My Holy Spirit Baptism Experience

This is where I received the Holy Spirit baptism, by this swimming pool, while I was working, right where the middle set of chairs and table are. I was making notes to myself about God and Jesus, in 1980, Largo, Florida. And I wrote these words: “OK Jesus, you fight Satan for me”.

Jesus lived, is alive, and everything in the new testament letters is true.  I testify that I received the Holy Spirit wind, and the tongue of fire just as they did, the first apostles.  It is fact.  It happened then, it happens now, and I am living proof.  You have been told.  Stop doubting and believe!

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Are You A Super Hero

Ya know …
I always start with that phrase after I have given something a lot of thought and research and prayer and have a revelation of knowledge or spirit truth and have to share it so ya know… pause for you attention…  I have been watching marvel movies lately. Never saw them before. And when I watch I try to see God in what the writer intended.  In any movie that is all fun, excitement, special effects, and cartoon violence there are messages worth hearing and seeing, things said that are noteworthy, of value. And of course that is true with every word in the 27 letters of the Bible and the older books too,  and when we receive a word of truth from the Father from His Spirit in us.  I see these heroes with super powers and they fight these battles, get absolutely crushed and somehow, not only survive, but also just shrug it off and get up and keep fighting.  Well, we have to remember that we are heroes and we have super powers within us, far greater than anything a computer can generate and put on a silver screen.

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A Miracle Healing I received from God

I want to share a healing I received from the Lord with you.  I attended a special service, in a church, I had never been to before or since.  They were a traveling ministry that gave a three day service of preaching, praise, singing songs and generally worshiping the Lord.  I was standing in a pew singing along, and some of the people helping to administer the service were walking around, praying for one another.  One person came to me and laid his hands on my chest, and another also came and place their hand on my back.  They prayed for me, while everyone continued to sing, clap their hands, and praise God.  I submitted to their praying.  By that I mean…

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For Father’s Day

As I opened my eyes this morning, I thought of myself as a Father, and wondered what this Father’s day would hold for me.  Then, immediately knew the selfishness in that thought, when I offered this day to Him, my Father, our Father, in heaven, as I always do, each day.  But what gift could I ever give God, who created everything?  The answer came easy, me, and my day, my thoughts, my time, my heart.  Life is a gift, from Him, by Him, because of Him, and I can give that back to Him, and see Him smile, and I Know He is pleased.  I always tell my kids and grandkids, when they ask me what gift or thing I would like for Father’s day, so they can show their appreciation for what I have done for them.  I say, just do something for me, clean my truck, or let’s just do something together.  But really, they are my gift, just being with them, and the fact that they would honor me with their hearts, so I could know their love. 

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