This blog is my way of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world, with you. If you are seeking the truth, and wonder if He is it, then you have come to a place where you can find truth and find Him. If you already know Him, and have received the wind and the fire of the Holy Spirit, then this blog is an encouragement to you to persevere, to overcome, to remain in Him just as he is in you. All I can do is share the Word of God as the Holy Spirit gives it to me to share. The question is, is your heart open to hearing, reading, experiencing His Truths and His Love for you.
There are universal Truths of God, that apply to everyone. And then there are individual Truths about you that He has just for You. Its amazing He is both.

Just a little introduction. I have a page dedicated to my testimony, and if you want to read about it, you can and I hope you do. But know this, each of us has to experience God personally, in the way only He knows you, and you know yourself. He amazes me in how He has shown Himself to me, in various ways, and in ways I would have never imagined. Both in the natural, and spiritually. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen or heard of someone experiencing God in exactly the same way twice. I know there are religious folks who believe they are able or appointed to judge if God exists or not, or if God truly performed a miracle or not, or how or why or when God should act, or even can act. They are pharisees of the current generation. They point out biblical verses that they say covers every possible act of God, how He can work, or how he can act. To them I say, that is not your calling or your call. After all, God is God, the Creator, without which you or I or anything cannot exist. So who are we to tell Him how to act or whether to act or not? The vanity of pretending we should command Him, or to think that we have to understand Him in order for Him to exist or act, is only in our minds to serve our fears of trusting something we don’t understand or doesn’t fit our control parameters.

He went, He Came, receive Him Today!
He doesn’t need church buildings, statues, monuments, alters, or totem poles, or anything built by man to reduce God to an image or structure so that we can feel better about Him existing or that He exists because of that thing or in that thing, like a church building. He exists in us, if we have been born again, and His home is in us, wherever we go. For who has seen God, no one. And as for our passing judgement on someone or something else, or feeling like we are appointed to verify a truth or an act of God, Jesus said, just follow me. When a disciple asked Him, what about this or him or that, he said, as for you, just follow me. Just focus on your Relationship with me, and everything will come after that. Don’t worry about another persons’ Relationship with me, because you are not able to judge, ever. Nor should you measure or compare. Don’t complicate it, it’s simple, it’s the truth, and if the Truth cannot be simple and enough for you, then think again. God is God to all men, not just those who have studied, or trained. God is God to everyone, and His Truths, Peace, Love, forgiveness, and for all those who knock, seek, and find. So too, all the fruits of His Holy Spirit surpass and pass all understanding. So whether or not you believe, God still exists. Your very existence is proof of that, whether you acknowledge it or not.
I read the bible everyday, many times a day. But it isn’t a law, or all in one and not to be added to or taken away scripture. Jesus said scripture is good, and God inspired. But there is a difference between what was written in the old testament and the new testament. I have posts and will post more on this. But Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. So He added to it, and since He is the living Word of God, and He lives in me, and the Holy Spirit counsels me with the Truth, fresh and new each day, then He is obviously entitled and expected to add to what was written, each day, in me. So the new testament is really 27 letters that have survived the years of aging, and the governments of the world, and the burning of others written. The First Council of Nicaea in 300 AD, organized the “Christian religion”, and banned (burned and made it unlawful,to have them) all other similar books written, and reduced it down to these 27. But in these 27, I challenge you to open your heart and mind, and actually read them word for word, and ask God to teach you and interpret them so you can fully understand them. Indeed a life long task. You will be amazed, at what you thought you knew, and what you will know. However, I will say that, you can read them, and try to interpret them, but until you have the Holy Spirit baptism, you will not fully be able to do so. However, when you do receive His Spirit in you, wow, does reading them become so much easier. He interprets for you, and your understanding of them is instant and clear and authoritative. You will not need anyone to interpret them, you and God will be one and you will be one with His Word, such that when you read it or hear it, whether in these 27 letters or in other writings of His current day Word, you will be able discern whether it is Him or not. Flesh recognizes flesh, and spirit recognizes spirit.

Let me ask you a question. Before these 27 letters were combined into one book, what existed? What did the first apostles and disciples of Jesus have to read? Point one, they didn’t know how to read. Point two, there weren’t copies laying around. Point three, they didn’t exist anyways. They spoke boldly the Word of God, as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance, and people were saved, and also received the Holy Spirit wind and fire. And they began to speak the Word of God boldly, and those that heard the message were saved. Each person so filled with the Word, spoke differently to each crowd listening, used different words, different methods, different languages, different stories, different locations, yet all were saved by the same Jesus and filled with the same Holy Spirit, received the same forgiveness from God, felt His same unconditional Love, had His heavenly forever Peace, and Knew the same Joy of Knowing Him, and having God in them. . . So why should today be any different? There is no one way to Know Him, but there is only one Way to Him, and that is Jesus, and trusting Him completely with your life.
1 Peter, 4, 11: If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
What Paul wrote was good, but his writings do not account for every way God can act, and does act. The four Gospels are great, wonderful, amazing accounts of what Jesus did, His life, and their own take on its meaning and what He did that was important, and important for you to know so that you could also believe and be saved.
John makes an incredibly amazing and hugely significant statement at the end of his Gospel, which most do not discuss for fear of the Sanhedrin, the Church, the controlling religious rulers, the Pharisees of today.
John 21, 24-25… “This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. 25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
That’s a lot of books! Jesus did so many tings, said so many things. I would love to hear about all the other things Jesus did and said, wouldn’t you? John said He did them and said them, and I trust His words. Here’s the deal. Jesus is the living Word of God. The Holy spirit is the Living Word of God. Read all of 27 letters, every Word in them. Don’t selectively choose those that support your thinking or argument, or your version of Apologetics. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, genuinely, through the wind and fire, then speak the Word of God, as the Spirit gives you utterance. And speak when He gives you the opportunity, and He (The Spirit) has the need, because someone else who is seeking Him earnestly has that need to hear what the Spirit has to tell them. That is being used by God. But do not speak to hear yourself speak, or for your gain, or because someone else demands it of you. You are not a slave to God, you are his child, and free in His love to be who you are, as you are, as he made you, and intended you, without judgement. Always for His will, always for others. That is what I do. I seek to do what pleases Him. I hope that anything you find here finds a need in you, and draws you closer to Him, in whatever stage your relationship is currently with Him. You may have just started seeking, have sought Him for years, are a disciple and are seeking the Holy Spirit baptism, and so many other points of faith, but always seeking, always knocking, always drawing closer. There will always be more of God to seek. You are a work of His, always building, perfecting, loving until the day He calls you home to be with Him forever. Wherever you are, Trust Him today!
1 John, 3, 24: “And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.”
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