I want to share a healing I received from the Lord with you. I attended a special service, in a church, I had never been to before or since. They were a traveling ministry that gave a three day service of preaching, praise, singing songs and generally worshiping the Lord. I was standing in a pew singing along, and some of the people helping to administer the service were walking around, praying for one another. One person came to me and laid his hands on my chest, and another also came and place their hand on my back. They prayed for me, while everyone continued to sing, clap their hands, and praise God. I submitted to their praying. By that I mean…
I did not pay much attention to what they were saying, because in the spirit it was not the content of their words that mattered, it was the heart and the spirit of intent that was being heard by God. It was evident in the spirit our request was being heard by God. I prayed with them in agreement, although we all did not know what we were praying for, other than me and what my needs were. There was an understanding that no one knew what I needed most then, and that God did. We prayed for THAT need, in the spirit. We submitted to our Father’s authority and knowledge. We gave ourselves to Him in that moment, totally, in prayer, obedient, and trusting that He knew what was needed and we were ready and able to accept any favor He would give then.
I felt a warmth begin in my chest.
The warmth grew, and my knees grew weak. I was in the spirit, giving myself totally to Him. The warmth grew to a heat, and became very hot, almost to where I could not bear it. I did not fear, although if I were not in the Spirit I could imagine I would have been full of fear. But I knew it was God, my Father, so I trusted without a doubt that He was blessing me, and if necessary, give my life at that moment. In fact, I felt immensely loved and a special closeness to Him, that I was receiving His blessing.Time was irrelevant while this was happening, and I have no idea how long they we prayed. Then suddenly they stopped praying, pulled their hands off me, and walked away to minister to someone else in need. I had to sit, my legs very weak. I put my hands on my chest, and felt the warmth coming from it. I simply took in the blessing, for a few moments, knowing I had just experienced God directly, and wondered at it all. After a few moments, I looked around at those standing next to me, and they were enjoying the service, not aware that God had just acted or that anything out of the ordinary just happened. I noticed as those that prayed for me walked away they were unaware that anything had happened to me. It became apparent that the only one in that church that knew God had acted in those moments before was me. I was filled with joy, but no knowledge of what had happened. There was no explanation, no interpretation.
After the event was over, i asked one of those who had prayed with me if they knew what had happened. They had no idea what God had done. I came away from the experience knowing that God had healed me that day. What of? I know not. To this day I know not. But I know that I received a healing that was necessary. Perhaps some defect in my body that would have shown up later in my life to shorten it. Perhaps something the doctors had never diagnosed, and perhaps would not have ever found. I could speculate more, but the point is I received my healing by faith, and I do NOT have to understand it to accept it, receive, and know it, and thank Him for it. I did not earn it. I did not have to understand it to accept it. If fact, just the opposite. It was because my faith was simple, trusting, and open to Him, He blessed me then because my heart was right before Him. Even my salvation is like this.
Even everything I have received from our Father, and everything I will receive from Him is like this. If I have to understand and qualify something before I receive it from Him, I never will. If I have to verify His blessing, He will not give it. The World must have proof, I must have faith. God is spirit, and as such, though in it, is not a part of this world. He created this world, the universe, and all matter and anti-matter, and will one day all pass away. Our Father is the creator of all things, and will never pass away. Why then will anyone say to that which will never pass away, prove yourself using something that will?
My understanding of this world will pass away, and become moot when I pass to the next, which is spirit. Though I cannot understand a thing, a truth in this world, I have faith in my Father. Of those things that are of the spirit in this world, as I live my life, as I grow in my Relationship with Him, the Holy Spirit explains what I need to know, when I need to know it.
Did some earthly, even church, authority have to verify this event, no. Did anyone else, even those who God used to lay on hands have to know what happened to me or that anything at all happened that day, no. They obeyed, they prayed with me, God acted, and I received in faith what He had to give. I am confident in my Relationship with Him such that what he gives I receive, and can know His touch, His words, as the Holy Spirit within me verifies. That is all the authority I need. I am healed, by my Father. Even though I have no understanding of it, I have no doubt. No man can say that it isn’t so, and I do not need any one’s permission, verification, or qualification to say that it did or did not happen. It happened just as I say, let no man dispute it, Praise God.
Does God heal today, yes! Do you need a healing, ask Him. Know this, how and why you ask is more important than the need you ask Him to fill or give. The blessing you will receive as you prepare and learn how to pray will exceed the value of thing you pray for. You must prepare your heart, prepare your soul, prepare your mind, and make that right with Him, that your Relationship is free and clear of conflict, so that you can freely ask and freely receive. If while you are praying, a conflict appears in your mind and in your heart, you must resolve the conflict. If you have unforegiveness, forgive. If you have wronged, set it right. If you have no love, love. If you have fear, have faith. If you doubt, believe. If you cannot or do not trust, trust. If you pray, and you chose to trust Him enough to be honest with Him, totally, He will show you what you have to do, choices you need to make, and the acts which you must do to receive His blessings. He wants you to be whole, at peace, and know that you are loved by Him. Prepare your heart, seek Him with all of it, and you will find Him.
By faith I share this. Let the Spirit of the Lord go forth with it, to bless anyone who reads these words, and receive whatever the Lord has for them, for having read it.