When we can experience first hand God working in our lives and the lives of others, it is so encouraging, faith building, and assures us we are in His will and His constant vision. It confirms, He knows us inside and out, even the number of hairs on our heads. Today I want to share with you when my grandma went on to be with the Lord. I say this because the experience confirms it. Let me tell you the story.
My grandma had cancer. She had a few months left, and she knew it. She was a Catholic her entire life, and talked about “her loving Jesus” to me many, many times.
We were very close. I always admired her, and loved her, and she me.
One day we were just chatting, she was getting very sick now, and she stayed in her bed most of the time because her strength was leaving her. I assumed she was strong in her faith, and talked about going home, to be with Jesus, in heaven. I asked her if she was getting excited about it, seeing heaven.
Her reply caught me by surprise.

She said she “hoped” that Jesus would be there for her, and that she would be in heaven after she passed on. I said “hope?”. Grandma, you can “know it now”. I don’t remember the exact words, but I told her I always thought she was so certain in her faith, and that of all the people I knew, I never thought she would have doubts. Then I asked her if she wanted to pray, so that she could know for sure, and she said yes. My brother was with us at the time, and I asked them both to pray. I asked her to pray, as I lead her in prayer, to let Jesus remove the doubt in her heart, to trust him with everything, to ask for forgiveness for all the sin in her life, and for Him to come and show her His love so that she could know for certain that He lives and she was forgiven, and that she would be with Him in heaven.
My brother and I had our eyes closed, he was kneeling beside her bed and I was sitting next to her on the bed. When we finished, we looked up. She had a glow about her like never before. I said, “well, grandma?” She immediately asked us if we saw the angels. We said no. She went on, “the black angels”. They were hovering above you, in the room, when we were praying. When you finished praying, they left.” My brother and I looked at each other, and said nothing.
I asked her how she felt, and if she prayed. She said yes, of course, and that it was OK now, she knew for sure, Jesus is alive and that He loves her. She had no doubts. She was a bit giddy about it all, overflowing with happiness and relief the doubt was gone.
They moved her to Hospice a few weeks later. She was the talk of the facility. She was sharing Jesus and her story with everyone. She was full of energy, although she lay in her bed almost all the time. By chance, a local newspaper reporter was there one day, just doing stories on people there. He learned of her story, and interviewed my Grandma. This is a very liberal newspaper, and does not normally focus on religious stories or topics. Soon after that, her story appeared in the newspaper, with a full page color photo of her, and her story, and her Love for God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I visited her many times, and was inspired by her faith, overflowing constantly. She was nearing the end, and I got a new job. The job required me to attend a conference out of state. I explained to her that I had to leave, but that i did not want to, because I knew the end was near. She understood, and gave me blessing to leave, and that she would be fine now.
My family and I left the next day, and we drove many miles, all day to get there. I was tired of driving , so I asked my wife to drive just a bit. I was half asleep, when I heard my name spoken, out loud. I asked my wife if she heard that. She said no. At the same time I heard the voice, I saw a faint image of my Grandma above me, happy. She communicated to me that she was Ok now, that I could let my burden for her go, and I could stop praying now, she was fine. I asked my wife again, if she heard that, and she said no. I noted that it was 3:00 PM in the afternoon when this happened.
I rested some more, and we continued on to our destination. That evening I called home to see how she was. My brother told me she had passed away that day. I was sad to hear the news. He explained that it was peaceful, and that many family were there. Before I ended the call, I asked him what time she had passed. He said 3:00 PM. I told him what had happened to me that day at the same time, and he relayed the story to the others, which gave them all comfort. I was too comforted by the confirmation of all these things.
I loved my Grandma, as I do now. One day we will see each other again, in heaven.
I write this story to encourage you. It happened just as I have told you. I am certain that there are stories and events like this happening everyday, everywhere, to those who choose to believe, have faith, and have no doubts about their relationship with the Father, through Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Do you have a relationship with Him? Make sure. Do it! Do it now. Don’t wait for someone to ask you. Ask yourself, be honest with yourself, love yourself enough and be brave enough to make sure, and remove any doubt. You can know for sure that Jesus lives, and he wants to carry your burdens, forgive your sins, to fight Satan for you, to overcome that which you cannot overcome on your own. You must ask, with your whole heart, mind, and soul, with everything within you, and in the way that you can be most honest with him. Go all in, ask, holding absolutely nothing back. And the Gift will be yours, forever. You will really know Him, and nothing will come between you and Him, the Relationship. It is real, not a fantasy, not a dream, not an imagination. The Relationship is real, have it today. You have but to ask. Just know that He knows you better than you know yourself. So be honest with Him, look deep into yourself, your heart, and give them both to Him , using whatever words or thoughts you need to use.
Jesus said blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe. Faith is the step you take to get there. True Faith in Jesus saves you and removes all doubt.
Grandma’s Story