I want to share an experience I had at the Cross. I attended a special worship service, years ago. Two significant things happened during that service, that I personally experienced.
The people had set up a replica of a Holy of Hollies tent. During the service the leaders walked around and prayed for people, laying on hands. They prayed for me, and one person put their hand over my heart. I felt a burning right there, in my chest growing stronger, until it felt like a hot sword inside me. My legs got weak, and then those praying for me left. I felt my sweater, and it still felt hot. When the service was over, I went up onto the stage, to walk inside the display. They had a wooden cross set up. I pressed my hand against it. Immediately I was in the Spirit.
I felt sorrow, pain, and sadness. I saw a vast sea of souls suffering, with no hope. For lack of a more powerful word, it was overwhelming. I saw a sea of souls, and I felt all the burdens that Jesus bore for us by dying on the cross, all in one place. I saw sin, in all its darkness, detest-ability, waste, evil, disgusting-ness, and as far away from God as the East is from the West.
I wanted to keep my hand on the cross out of obedience, and faithfulness to learn what God was sharing, but the only way I know to explain why I did not any longer is that I simply could not bear it. The degree of suffering and misery was not measurable. It was, as they say, where there is weeping and nashing of teeth. Was it hell? I cannot say for sure. I just describe what the Holy Spirit shows me without elaboration. I have learned that he shows me things, and asks me to share them, in a way that He can help others, so it is not me helping, I am just being obedient, and letting His Holy Spirit speak directly to those reading. We say now, when something seems too great to bear, that we cannot. But here, in this life, we have the chance to change, to improve, to love, to forgive, to be forgiven, to trust, to care, to hope, to have faith, to seek and grow closer to God. There, in that place, they do not have any of that. Now we can be forgiven, if we ask. Then, there is only eternity without that hope or chance. Do not wait. I say again, let nothing be in your way of asking for that forgiveness, today, even now.
This that I was shown, was a place with no hope. Those souls were separated from God, for eternity. In my heart of hearts, even those that have wronged me in the worst way possible on this earth, I would not want even them to experience. I pray that no one does, but I know that many are, and will. However, you can avoid this. Accept Jesus, trust Him, with all that you are, saving nothing back, not your wealth, your debt, not your family, not yourself, not your fears, your anxieties, not your life, your plans, your expectations, give yourself totally and unconditionally to Him. Ask Him to fight Satan for you, literally, out loud if necessary. Whatever it takes for you to commit yourself to Him. Let no excuse keep you from this. You have been warned, you have been told, do you have ears to hear? What do you need, to have a comet speeding your way to know the end is near so you can then do this? Do you have to have a doctor tell you that you have 6 months to live, make your plans to leave? What plague or adversity, or group of troubles have to happen to you for you to see that there is a life after this, an eternity.
Do you doubt that any of what I have shared with you is true? I am telling you the absolute Truth just as it happened. And it is just as True that Jesus is alive, and you can call on Him right now, for help. There is absolutely no difference now as when Jesus first rose to heaven. The exact same things and different things are happening now. There was no name on the place I described. There was no media, no labels, no dressings. Forget what you have heard in the media about God. Just Trust Him, one on one, as I have described, blocking out all distractions and doubt, and getting real with yourself and with Him. Believe! You can Know Him, Know heaven, Know God, just as Jesus said, and be one with the Father. Yes, it can happen to you, for you, in you. Jesus died for you, and there is a Holy Spirit that will come and make His place in you, if you only ask, and you ask as He requires, with your whole heart? It is my most highest hope that all those who read this stop, take head to these words, examine, pray, and open your heart to hear Him, and you can simply rest in Him, and know Him, and the joy of it, and the eternal hope, the forgiveness from all that I have described here about the cross experience and the suffering you do not have to bear. Choose to spend eternity in Heaven, with the Father. How? Trust Jesus, He is the way, the truth, and the life.