Jesus was a homeless carpenter. He chose disciples that were common trades men, doing manual labor, and women from all walks of life. He cherished children. He hung out with people with no standing, sinners, the poor, the sick and the disabled. I often wondered why He would choose them, choose me, for anything, but he did, and for that I am eternally grateful and blessed. I don’t have a PHD. I have no position, no wealth, no social standing. I am a small business man and manage and maintain community associations, just being real. (yes sharing personal info) I am older now, and mostly just supervise, but in past for many years one day per week I would ride a lawn mower and cut grass with my crew.
I put on the headphones, and listen to Christian music radio, spiritual songs and sermons. I have lived my life constantly aware of His Holy Spirit in me, and the need to do His will, whether that is witnessing, or doing something, all prompted by His Holy Spirit, so I know it is truly something He needs me to do.
I think over the years I have listened to just about every preacher that ever preached on the radio, and heard every Christian song on the charts, from Sandi Patti, to Amy Grant, and Mercy Me. As I write this I am listening to a song from The Greatest Showman, This Is Me, a great song, a great message. The Father made us all, just right, as we are, as we were intended to be, and we should accept who we are and be glad for that, and that we are His intended and planned creation.

So as I was riding the mower one day, and I was prompted. I prayed about what else I could do for Him, while riding my mower, a simple job, done by a simple man. One property has a 4 acre field. I started mowing a 300 foot cross in the middle of it. I cut the cross part lower than the rest of it, and in a pattern so it could be seen from above easily, but not so much from ground level. Kind of like when you see patterns of things in a baseball or football field, the way it is mowed matters. I knew I was actually risking my job somewhat, in case it would offend. But I kept it to myself, and did, until this day, and this post for you. It always took a little more time, but I didn’t mind and my crew was in agreement. It was my way to pray for that community of people. I hoped it would encourage pilots and passengers in planes overhead, which there were many. And it was just my way of saying Hello Father, thank you Jesus and Holy Spirit for all you do for me and those I pray for.
Maybe no one ever saw it, but maybe they did. I will never know, but the Father knows, He knows my heart, and that is all that matters, that I obey the Holy Spirit when prompted, and do His will.
Maybe you are not well connected, rich, or educated. Maybe you are just a lowly, humble soul like me, just trying to please God with my life. But that is who He likes to hang with. Us, the less fortunate. And when prompted, we should do whatever His Spirit prompts us to. Whether that is simply loving the unloved, giving 5 dollars to someone in need, telling someone in need about Jesus, or mowing a 300 foot cross in a field of grass.
POST UPDATE: And here is an update to this post written and posted years ago. I went back to that property where I used to cut the crosses. I was shocked at its condition. It looked like a bank repo, a vacant property, dead bushes and grass everywhere, things crawling up the buildings, plywood over windows here and there, weeds as tall as me, and broken things, leaning things, just an amazing sad mess. And this is a business park, with attorneys, financial advisors, lenders, stock brokers, and doctors, etc. When I left recently, due to a take over of administration and ownership, it was pristine, because I had taken care of it. I have no hard feelings over it. And the only reason I say this here and now is this. We really never know if we act according to a prompt by the Holy Spirit in obedience what will result from our actions. We are to obey, for as long as we are able and assigned to that obligation. Jesus said, follow me. If God allows us to stay we stay. If he moves us we move. Leave the results to Him, it always works better that way. Something is definitely up with this place that I managed for ten years. Its amazing how dramatic the change in one year. I cut that huge cross in that grass area every week out of His Love to protect that property, and bring it life and health and all those in it. Yes by faith. Not by my power, but His. I released it when I left, to the Lord. And now death is everywhere I looked. What does that say? Search your heart, search your spirit for the message here. Has something similar happened to you? What does it say about simply obeying God, praying, and following the lead of the Holy Spirit, not having to know the results before hand. It means I can obey because I Trust Him. He goes before me, He protects, He provides, He counsels, He gives me Peace. Obedience is a hard lessen. When I don’t obey Him, I sure learn the hard way. Trust Him, obey Him, and don’t be so hard of yourself at times if you don’t. He easily forgives if we are honest, accept the truth, learn our lesson, own the disobedience, and place our complete Trust in Him once again. This time I saw the result of my leaving. How many times do we not act in obedience, and never realize the consequences. The deeper Truth here is, our failure to act in obedience hurts us more than it does Him or the person not receiving what God wanted us to give them or do for them. He will find someone else to do His will. He is only concerned for our hearts, and getting that right with Him. Obedience brings us closer to Him, cleans our souls, enables us to Love more, and have pure hearts. Dear one, Obey, Trust, have Faith, for He is there for us, always.