It is simple. A statement for the universe and for eternity. A fact for everything that is and what will be. Life is simple, and the purpose of life is simple. Humans complicate it. Everything that I think, say, do and write is based on one simple fact, God is, He is Life, and he has gifted us our lives. We could not even exist with Him. It is the Truth, the pretext, the premise, the one certain factor in everything. Here is another simple fact. When you take your last breath, you will be face to face with Him, and how will that conversation and experience go for you?
I call that moment for everyone, and everything that happens after that moment, “the Next”. You will be alone with Him, with no one and no thing but the life you lived in your hands, and handing it to Him, returning the gift He gave you, which is you and that life given. For you, for eternity, there will be and there is nothing else. I tell you the Truth, and there is no greater Truth for you and me, it will happen. We should all be living this life as a gift from Him, and wanting to please Him with it, every moment, every thought, every breath until the last, as best as we can, with our best effort, and whole heart, until the Next.
Another simple fact, there is the Next, where time doesn’t exist, and that is called eternity. And you should also ask yourself this question. Do you want to live the Next with Him, or without Him. You cannot choose then, you must choose now. You are choosing now, whether you acknowledge it or not, with every choice you make. Every time you choose to be consumed by the world, and your own selfish needs, you move farther and father away from God and being able to make that choice for Him.
There is good and evil in everything, every second you live, every choice made, every thought thought. The sure, and safe and simple thing is to Love. And where there is Love, there is not evil, there is not selfishness, there world owns you less and less with each effort and act of Love, and your choices will be good. But evil distracts, tempts, teases, it screams for attention, it deceives, it fools, it cheats, it lies, and it is everything Love is not. How can a person fight evil and win, alone, without help. It is simple, it cannot be done, yet evil tempts the ego to say it can, and builds a false pride that a person can be their own god, and win the spiritual battle that cannot be won, alone.
So God gave us good laws to live by, to obey, to guide, to trust, to fight evil with. But they were not enough, because evil infested even His laws. So He gave us a part of Himself, Jesus. And He gives more of Himself, His Holy Spirit, to those who Trust Jesus to fight evil for them, and forgive all sins, all failures, all our poor choices. But we must do a simple thing, Trust Him, Trust Jesus. We must Trust Jesus SIMPLY, totally, holding absolutely nothing back, with your whole self, as if nothing else exists. Give Him your whole heart. Ask Jesus to fight evil for you, asking as if you are face to face, with your life in your hands before Him, and He will. Don’t wait until that option is not available. Do it now, while you still can. Your life is a gift from Him, give it back to Him now. Or in the Next, He may say, keep it, take it with you where there is filth and vomit and nothing but evil, where there is weeping and gnashing of teethe, where everything is corrupt and false, because the unclean cannot be in the presence of God. There is only one Way to clean your life, that is Trusting Jesus to do it for you. There is only one who is not corrupt in what is the Truth, that is The Holy Spirit.
I say again, it is SIMPLE. It is not complicated, it is not a law, it is not something you recite for the sake of recital. You can’t earn and you sure don’t deserve it. It is just you and Him, it is your will He wants. It is a decision of SIMPLE will, NOT intellect, or wealth, education, position, family, or law. Therefore, it is for everyone who makes a decision of will to completely Trust their life to Him. And really, it is simple, you are simply giving back what was only temporarily yours anyway, your life. Think of it, life is God, and you could not ever exist with Him, and His life gift, which is you.
Stop asking questions that can never be answered anyway. Don’t try to understand God before you Trust Him, because He is far too great to ever be understood in this life, by anyone. That is what faith is, Trusting in Him without the assurance that He is even there to Trust, but you do it with the hope that Faith inspires. Stop talking, stop debating, stop asking, stop denying, stop taking your life and today for granted, as if tomorrow will always come because it won’t. Trust and Believe, have Faith in Him, and your Faith will reward you with the SIMPLE TRUTH. God is, Jesus is, Trust Him, and you will Know Him, and receive the gift of His Holy Spirit. The first gift is life. The second is His Holy Spirit in you, so that you can Know Him in this life. So at the Next moment, the life you give back to Him will be clean because you already gave it to Him, and He already cleaned it. And then you will spend eternity with Him, not without Him. No greater decision of will can be made. You should be preparing for that moment now, and with the rest of your life. Trust Him completely today.