This is the most important prophetic post you will ever read, and the one I am most reluctant to publish. I don’t say that for “click bait” or just to get you to read it. It’s a fact. This is not some general prophesy that uses generalities and metaphors. I stay in tuned with financial markets and the economy, and God has shown me how these spiritual and natural dots connect. The Spirit has been showing me things over the past few years and I have kept them in my heart because this picture has not become clear enough to share in a meaningful way. Also, there has not been an urging from the Holy Spirit to share it, until now. I posted something on this website a few years ago, but it was general, because that is all I could see in the Spirit. This post is specific to today and the very near future. It alarms me that I don’t see any videos or posts that really see the details I am seeing. Its like I am watching a ball game, and I see something happening on the field that’s God in action and its amazing, and I ask to my left and right, “did you see that”, and they say “see what”. So get ready, settle in, this is a long post, but first let me say this…
With the trials and tribulations that are about to occur, you must make sure you know without a shadow of a doubt that the Holy Spirit is in you. In my life, in my search for God, before I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, before I knew Jesus was real, I said to myself, I am not doing another thing in my life until I know God is real. It makes all the difference. When the Holy Spirit is in you, His thoughts become your thoughts. Revelations come as He Knows we need them personally, or for the fellowship of believers. Either way it is Truth that he reveals because the time is right to reveal it. When we open our hearts, and focus on Him, in prayer, we can see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and think with His thoughts. We can see things in the Spirit we cannot see in the natural. In short we become one with the Father, just as Jesus was and is, and just as the Holy Spirit in us connects us when needed, as needed. This is why Jesus came, this was what the Father intended, it is His design for us to be one with Him. This oneness is essential to living the life He wants for us now, and this oneness will soon be critically essential for our souls as these events unfold which I am about to share. For as the Spirit speaks, only the heart that is one with Him can see and understand and respond to it. Others will not. Jesus will help you, others will be helpless. Not only is His living Word revealing truths about what will be, it also reveals who is in Him and who is not. Those that have faked their relationship with Him will fall away, turn away, even disown Him when that time comes. But those who love Him and have Him in them, even the baptism of the Holy Spirit, will be able to get through the tribulations to come. If you don’t have Him in your heart now, there is simply nothing more important for you to do in your life than to settle that now. Don’t wait until that calamity is upon you. Seek Him, Knock until He answers, find Him. And for those of you you have not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, prepare your heart and ask Him now. Don’t wait! You will need that power in you. Now that that is said, I need to reveal to you some mysteries that have been given to me to share.
Let me just say one more thing. Do not wish so much that you could Know these mysteries, as if you wish you had the gift of prophesy and don’t. Because, seeing things in the Spirit is not so easy to see, is even harder to accept, but even harder yet to share. Happy things, sure, they are things that people want to hear, as encouragement and joyful, and everyone wants to have those to share. But, often the news is not so happy, and will take faith and work and perseverance to endure. This is one of those revelations. But take heart, just as what is to be will be more difficult than you think you can take, Jesus help you, be with you, through it, if you have faith.
Also, I quote 1 Peter, 4,7 here for a purpose: 7 “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
I especially want you to read and take to heart the phrase: “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.” I want you to know that I seek at all costs and cautions to abide by this when I share things with you. I don’t write and post things just for something to do, to attract readers, followers, for money, or because I have a schedule of speaking to keep, etc. I just write what and when I am told to write, and post when I am told to post. Some things stay in my heart for a long time. Some are never shared. And some develop over time, and then the time calls for them to be shared I do so, because there is a need that God only knows. Here we go.
Peter thought the end of all things was very near. He was wrong of course. However, although I don’t know if this is a time for the coming of the end of all things, I do know a change is coming of epic proportions in societies and economies. What I am describing here is specific to one event, and that is the revealing of the Mark of the Beast and the 666 mystery. As to other prophetic events in the book of Revelation, I am not speaking of those in this post. But I do want to add, the same precautions and warnings Peter gave back then apply now.
A time is coming and has now come for the events of Revelation 13 to take place, it is even at the doorstep. It gives me a grieving heart to say this, but it must be said. I will try to keep this as simple as possible. But since it involves connecting spiritual and natural dots, I have to explain those details and minimally as possible. However, the natural dots or details are not as important as the spiritual message God has for us to be able to deal with their affects. In the financial world, they speak of a “great reset”. Burt before I describe for you what that is all about, I want you to understand the factor of three (3). So many things of God happen in 3’s. It is important to note that there are three things that comprise the third act of mankind which is about to play out. And here is how.
The first is money, and how we buy and sell things. Cash will go away, it will become illegal to have it. For example, Bank of America has said clearly , publicly, cash costs them a billion dollars a year just to handle it. They hate it. As of the date of this posting, China and ten other countries have a digital currency in place, and have started to use it. The United States has one, they just haven’t disclosed it to the public yet. They need a diversion, a catastrophe, a reason to use it. I will not name that here. But know this, the FED (US Federal reserve) has one also. It is called the CBDC. The IMF (International Monitary Fund) also has a CBDC. They also use SDR‘s right now. Digital currency has no backing asset, it is creating out of thin air literally, and recorded. The world is looking for the right time to introduce and make the currency of the world digital, and its coming very soon.
The second is the basic economic system of supply and demand, and credit. The existing accumulated debt has grown so great, it has to be dealt with, before it becomes a systemic risk, and brings down the entire world financial system. It may be too late, and that alone may be the catalyst the world needs for digital currency law. The supply side of the equation has been severely disrupted, adding to the increase in inflation, due to so called the Covid pandemic restrictions, and may never recover under normal terms. Covid, so called, and its children viruses may also continue to make the supply side problem worse. Inflation has also gotten out of hand. The main cause is the result of governments printing too much money since the financial crisis and collapse of 2008. The FED will raise interest rates, to slow the inflation growth, but it also will slow the economy. There is talk of even just forgiving debt, college tuition debt for one, which is a form of just giving you the money, buying votes, and will itself cause more inflation. Another way to decrease inflation or cause disinflation is to inflate the money supply, which the FED may also have to change course on and increase rather than decrease if raising rates doesn’t curb inflation enough.
Enter part three. Tracking and keeping a record of digital money and its transactions. Blockchain technology was created as an open source system of tracking transactions on a decentralized spreadsheet. This was designed so that no central government could control it, tax it, regulate it. Bitcoin is an open source digital currency created with that same open source freedom thinking in mind. The key word here is CONTROL. The wealthy have control (of the public and the governments) and want to keep it, and they will, and freedom is their enemy. Their fear is an independent digital economy they cannot CONTROL. Tracking transactions, purchases, payments, debt, is what they are all about to keep CONTROL, they will simply not give it up, and do whatever it takes t make that happen. So blockchain technology will be used by the governments issuing their own digital currencies to record everything, and thus the elite will retain CONTROL, by virtue of the governments of the world adopting their own digital currencies, backed by the assets of that country, just as fiat currencies are now, such that the people will accept it and believe it is backed by the good faith of their governments. The bank will survive, the system won’t fail, but there will be big changes as a result.
So you know the three things: Digital currencies will replace cash, our supply, demand, credit economic system will fail, and Blockchain will be the new system of recording transactions. It isn’t the first two that, although the change will be traumatic in the natural sense, they won’t have significant spiritual and prophetic implications. However, number 3 will. Blockchain is the Mark of the Beast and the 666 that John spoke of. It is the technology that will be used by those with the spirit of the antichrist to bring about the fulfillment of Revelation 13, 16-18. Here is where the verse from Revelation 13, 16-18 comes to being: 16 “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.”
Are you married to the world or to God? We are going to all find out soon. Let me give you some spiritual insight of the movement of the spirit of the antichirst. The Covid pandemic was planned and created and played out so that the powers that be could see how willing people would be to forfeit their personal freedoms and their privacy, for the sake of their health and lives, and the lives of others. “They loved their own lives more than God”. Would the people receive a vaccine voluntarily, even though they didn’t really know if it would save them, or even make it worse, kill them? That saga has played out, and now comes the next one, the bigger one, the financial one, the one that will require all creatures great and small, rich and poor, to declare their allegiance to the world or to God, to their own lives or to Him. Will people be willing to give up all of their freedoms and privacy and personal rights, including their right to worship God, in return for receiving money to buy the food they need to survive, and (here’s the key to today) agree to the terms and conditions of receiving and using that money such that the government will track you and every purchase, every sale, every transaction with not just that money, but all your money. Blockchain can do that, its what it is designed to do. Here is one scenario.
Trickle down economics says that if you cut taxes and give money to the system, the companies will hire more people, and those people will eventually get some of that money. However, this time, they will bypass the companies, who already have enough cash, and give it direct to the people. They have already done this, in a trial, and it has worked well, i.e., unemployment payments extended, stimulus money, etc. Now they will give a bigger chunk of money direct to everyone. And since digital money will be the law of the land, alternatives will be illegal, and the use of an alternative (cash) could wind you up in prison. They will track you and your money, what, where, when, everything and your data is now their data and it is valuable. Even now AI (artificially intelligent) bots track you online and use your data for all they can.
Back to the Mark of the Beast reveal. If they slow down the economy, raise rates, and create less demand, inflation will cool. But that may cause deflation, because the money supply velocity will slow or stop, and that simply cannot happen. That absolutely would cause a systemic failure of the economic system. However, if they inflate the money supply by giving it direct to the people to spend, and far more than they have before, that would keep deflation from happening. But this time will be different. Maybe not in the natural sense, but the spiritual significance will be the end times fulfillment of prophesy. Here’s the difference. This time, instead of just giving you money free and unencumbered to spend how you want to… they will require you to accept the digital money, and receive the mark of the beast. Let’s quote the prophesy again: “7 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,”. If you accept the money, that acceptance or transaction will be recorded on the Blockchain within the official banking system. You will be also accepting the new system, and accepting and receiving the mark of the beast. Your transaction will be marked, it will be numbered, it will be recorded, tracked. If you accept the terms conditions in order to receive the money and services they will give you, that fine print will include selling your very soul to the world, your total allegiance to the new system, which is the Beast John spoke of. Not only will that singular transaction be recorded on the Blockchain with your permission, you will have forfeited all rights, freedoms, privacy, and personal protections. Any laws that preceded it will be voided by your agreement to the new system. This new system will be the new law, and all personal rights and sovereign laws will be subject to it. This is part of the new world order. This is part of the “reset” the wealthy have been planning. It starts with accepting the money, but its really deception at its finest. Its the ultimate Trojan horse. The freedoms so many died for rather than give up, now are given without hesitation or reservation. All the wars fought over centuries, all, the lives lost, the bullets fired, the bombs exploded, all fail in comparison to this one singular event, where no one dies, no shots fired, no lives ruined. Nations retain their sovereignty, but at the cost of submission to this Beast at its laws and demands. It owns us, it owns everything and everyone. It holds the keys, it holds the money, it holds the data on everyone and everything ever sold or bought, ever contracted or agreed to, and the false version of the golden rule applies. Those with the gold make the rules. yes the Blockchain not only records buys and sells, but also contracts on real estate, services, and every contract you can imagine. The entire world’s commerce can be recorded, stored, and used for good or for bad. Imagine the power ad the CONTROL that affords those that have it, and have access to it.
When this happens, the media will spin it just as the governments want them to. They will make this sound like it the best thing ever. And when the created crisis happens, people will be so desperate for it that they will have no choice. If they refuse, they will be branded as rebels, and most of those will die of starvation or exposure. Can you live off the grid and survive it? Perhaps. But, as with all things, God is more concerned with how we react to things, rather than if we survive them.
Back to our story… Instead of printing money, they will simply create digital money out of thin air, record it to the Blockchain of the digital currency holdings, and then everything you buy or sell will be known, tracked, recorded, even where those transactions took place. Paper receipts will be no more. They will say this even reduces theft, and they will be right actually. They will applaud all the worldly “good” that this new system will create and afford. Sadly, it will destroy the middle class, because the supply demand and credit system that allowed the middle class to exist will be no more. There will be the wealthy, and the rest of us. The eventual outcome maybe that the lower class cannot own personal property, and not have to pay taxes. They will turn over their personal rights to their property, as the Beast demands. For in fact, who will stand against it? Revelation says that there will be the dragon, that gives power to the first Beast, and then that Beast gives power to the second Beast (Blockchain, and the antichrist spirit)… “4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
However, no matter how people take the change, no matter how much good comes of it, or so it may seem, the spiritual bad that comes of this will be not just terrible, it will be unthinkable. If you sign up, agree, yes, you will have to worship the Beast, and wait for your next handout. You will voluntarily give up your rights to privacy and freedom. Other nations have tried this over the years. But they failed. Wars have been fought over freedom, and the fight to keep other nations from taking over the world and making slaves of everyone to their system. Good people have died trying to fight for that freedom, and to retain their right to choose how and where they want to live and to worship God in freedom. But there will be no more wars fought with guns and knives over freedom and privacy and personal rights. The next war is upon us, and it is spiritual, and a question of bending your will and mine. The battle ground is this… creating conditions such that you and I are asked to voluntarily give up that freedom, privacy, and rights without firing a single shot. How can that happen? Read on.
John didn’t know how accurate he would be. He also said that the first Beast would give breath to the “image” of the second Beast, not the Beast itself but the image of it. I find that interesting he detailed it that way, how could he have known. “15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.” Now we can easily see how the “image” can be a computer generated holograph, using artificial intelligence (AI). We have that now with robots online that can speak as if they were human and alive. But he said also, either they would “worship it or be killed”. So do you think they will not make you worship it? Do you think you won’t be killed if you don’t? Are you kidding yourself? Yes.
So if you are brave enough to read Revelation, especially the chapters before and after chapter 13, have courage and do so. Decide for yourself, but at least read it carefully. Listen for what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
This is why I say, a time is coming and has now come where the Father will pour out His Spirit on all people willing to give their hearts to Him. Those that have a knowledge faith will fail. But those who truly Know Him, and have received His Holy Spirit will overcome. Imagine how hard this will be. Be truthful with yourself, and your own abilities. Do you think you can make such a decision because it makes sense? Are you of the world, or are you of God? If you accept the digital money, and the giver of that money makes you pledge allegiance to Him or that thing (the Beast), and you accept its terms and conditions, you click the box at the end of that fine print, which never gets read, what are you signing up for, and more importantly ask yourself what are you giving up?
Here is the good news. God loves you. He wants you to have His Spirit in you so you can see this clearly, keep His peace, and fight the battle with spiritual eyes, not physical hands. Those with the Holy Spirit in them will be able to see this, and those that do will overcome it. Those that do not, cannot and will not. As this event unfolds, people will gasp in fear once they have realized what they have done.
Let me quote some of the consequences here for those that say this wont happen, and I am wrong with my interpretation. I will just say, I call myself sometimes a reluctant prophet. God gives me things to say, that I don’t want to say or write. But obedience is a hard lessen, which I have learned. So I share this with all reluctancy, but I share because God says it is so.
Revelation 14….
6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
8 A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’[a] which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”
9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
Do NOT say, just because you don’t actually received a mark on the forehand or the forehead that you have not pledged your allegiance to the beast. Don’t look for excuses not to obey God just so you can take their money. It doesn’t matter how you sell your soul, you’ve sold it. Also, it doesn’t matter how you give your heart to God, just do it.
Yes, biometrics may require a device be implanted into you, so that you can be tracked, and so that you can just wave your hand over a reader, and the transaction is approved and recorded on the blockchain. Yes, additional tracking may be implemented and probably will be as future technology advances. But once you agree, you are done. There is no turning back. Not with the world system which you are now one with, and not with God which I hope you are one with. You must choose. And this coming event is the choice of choices, for all eternity. I pray you see it for what it is. I pray you have the courage to choose God, even if it means giving up your life. Even if it means you will die, but you will die in God, and will live eternally with Him.
Let’s face it. We are all going to die. Will it be worth it for you to receive the mark of the beast, and live a short while longer, and perhaps live at a poverty level, and spend eternity in hell. Or do you refuse to be marked, choose God, and die, but spend eternity in heaven with Him?
Perhaps this is the rapture. This choice may come upon all mankind so suddenly. And those who refuse to be marked, will die quickly from starvation and exposure. And it will be a relatively short period of time. It may serve to fulfill some scripture that says it will happen in a twinkling of an eye, as compared to the time man has been here. It may seem like two people are working in the field, one taken, the other left. For the sake of those who chose to die for God I hope so. My my sake, I hope so. Lord, come quickly, swiftly, completely.