He cleared and tilled and planted a field with good soil. His seeds germinated, sprouted, and grew well. His enemies saw the sprouts but were very busy with their plans to distract, deceive and destroy the world and everyone in it. They did not pay the field any heed. The plants grew and multiplied.
Then satan noticed the field was growing and now in full bloom. So he sent a beast to destroy the field and all the plants by mowing them over and rolling them under. He left believing he had completely destroyed all God had accomplished. Very soon the rains came and as the sun shown brightly on the field, the scattered pieces of the vines of the plants that were tilled under grew quickly into small plants, and the field was covered with them again.
The beast noticed, and was angry and frustrated. The beast said he would bomb the field and incinerate it, until it is no more than a pile of ash. He did so and was glad he had finished his work, or thought so. The bomb’s plume rose high into the atmosphere, and it was such a scale and volume of ash and debris, no one could count or measure it. It was like a cloud of a great volcano erupting. The earth’s upper winds caused its smoke, ash, and debris to travel all around the globe, even to the four corners of it. The pieces of the vines, its branches and the seeds of its flowers plants were scattered wherever the plume went. They settled everywhere, and they sprouted wherever they landed. They multiplied even more than the first attempt to destroy them, even 1000 times of that first field, and in 1000 other places near and far, even rich farmlands and desolate fields, and in back yards and city parks. Some fell in the oceans and floating, they washed up on islands everywhere in the sands. The rains came, the plants sprouted, and they grew even more vigorous and stronger than before. Because they had been tested, and survived the hardships of the inferno blast, they became a new crop, a better one, and one that could survive even the largest blast satan and his beast could create, and survive any weapon of their destruction.
This made the beast very angry. He summoned a great army of his robots, a multitude of metal, obeying his command. They invaded the whole earth, every farm, every back yard, and every green field anywhere, every island and left no land intact. They used their intense flame throwers and incinerated every plant, leaving none alive.
And as all appeared accomplished, they celebrated their victory with wine, chants, and song and debauchery, every act of immorality and sin, saying blasphemies to God all night long, believing they had defeated the almighty God and his children.
But in the deadly silence, God breathed life into the earth and all its lands. His spark of creation, always living and alive, infused Himself into it, as He always does. And the plants rose yet again. Because of their testing, their root had grown so deep that they not only survived every drought and pest and disease, but even the fires of satan himself could not reach them. They pushed up through the soil yet again, and grew quickly. satan realized his defeat and knew that no matter how many times they would be torched, their root would prevail, and even come back stronger each time. His best efforts only strengthened them. The plants and their seed did not count their lives so precious as to shrink form death, but faced it and persevered. And in that faith they not only survived, they prospered against all odds and forces of evil. They had become a number and multitude beyond counting and measure, such that no weapon formed against them by satan and his beast and his armies and the dragon could kill them or defeat them. They lived because they persevered through their persecution and tribulation , and the power of the Spirit of God was in them. Satan and his armies of demons, being overwhelmed by God, feared the plants and their gardener, who is Jesus. They hid in shame and looked to hide in all the darkest and most deepest places on earth. Soon the gardener came back, and he summoned his angels for a great harvest of evil. They looked and found them all in their hiding places, shaking and sick with fear, and Jesus and His angels brought them before God for their judgement. They were sent to hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. All the plants of the earth grew in peace and health and glorified God, the great gardener, and His Joy was the way of the day and of the age.