There is a place inside every person I call “The Will Of The Soul”. It is our life force compass, our moral center. It is the place in us we let no one touch or see or know, but ourselves. It is the one true private secret of secrets. It is the secret even we don’t tell ourselves. It is the decision we don’t know until we are forced to go to this place in us to make it, to use it, to know it. More accurately, its not a singular place, but The Will Of The Soul is the force within the place in us that we guard with our very lives. It is the one thing we cherish and hold dear. It is the essence of who we are. It’s also who we have been and will be. Now for every believer who is in Jesus, whether water baptized or Spirit baptized, The Will Of The Soul takes on even a deeper meaning, greater than life itself.
The will of the soul lives in the deepest, dearest, desperate, most precious place, not just of the mind, but of the heart, in the most important, aware, and intent matter in the mind, and where the body believes it can and it does whatever it takes to accomplish the task at hand, that makes the decision of decisions, that makes the difference between life and death of that person. But for those in Christ, it is also the place where decisions are made that determine not just our destiny in this life, but our eternity.
Those that are not spiritually aware, not seeking, purposefully avoiding God, and believe there is no God but themselves, have no such place within because satan has taken it from them. He has blinded them to it ever existing in the first place. Only God must restore what was taken. Unbelievers lie, and follow the father of lies. They are doomed to their own destruction by making the choice in The Will Of Their Soul to do evil rather than good, to listen to lies rather than the truth, to hate rather than love, and to serve themselves rather than God and others. Can these souls be saved? During their destruction, on their way to hell, perhaps with God’s mercy he offers them a glimpse of the condition of their Will Of Soul that was once intact and whole, with hope and love as the occasional default rather than never happening at all. Is there hope for them? With God all things are possible.
Now in the world, there is war of wills, a battle for the soul, and for that special place called The Will Of The Soul. When a follower of Jesus has confessed of sin, repented of it, declared who owns that place within, when they have completed the water baptism, studied the scriptures, and become disciplined to the ways of God, they are indeed a strong soldier in the fight for their own soul and that of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
However, when a soul takes one step beyond the believer and has the honesty, trust, humility and faith to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that soul has surrendered totally, given all of themselves, abandoned the world, and offered what remains of their life to God, and has allowed Jesus to take control and let Him help them. God’s power within, sees what the Spirit reveals, has the boldness to speak the Truth that only God knows and does not compromise it, and all their senses are alert to God’s actions, and the plans and strategies of evil. For Truth is Truth whether for good or evil. God is just, and he is also merciful. He has compassion on the poor, and chastises the rich. Blessed is the soul that faces the Truth of God, is honest with Him more than nakedness, more than sacrifice, more than obedience, more than humility, more than even love can bear, for that soul will be considered trustworthy to the Lord. That soul can tap into their Will Of Soul, do what God asks, and as a result save their soul. They are willing to do what he asks, and how he asks for it to be done, within or without, to themselves or to others, without compromise or hesitation, not considering the love of their own life, but to do the will of God in exchange for their own Will Of Soul, and therefore save their soul. It is then that their names are written in the lambs book of Life, in the book of heaven with all the names of those who have a place there forever.
There are those who serve themselves. There are those who serve humanity. There are those who serve God. Which are you? Which one do you want to be? When God calls your name, when that trumpet of faith sounds, and only those with faith in Him hear it, will you hear Him, will you respond to Him, will you know it is Him, will you obey Him, will you follow Him, will you consent to Him, will you surrender, will you believe, will you confess, will you repent, will you humble yourself, will you Trust Him, will you receive Him? So may “wills”, and they all reside in the special place God created when He created you and me, in the Will Of The Soul. The one thing that is truly sovereign in each of us for it is our life, to be governed by ourselves, others, the world’s forces, or God. We get to choose. Ask yourself, who owns that place, you, satan, or Him, its one of the three, and you decide. The decision is life and death, and it means eternity in hell or in heaven. That’s the Truth, full strength, in your face, nothing held back, because God doesn’t compromise His Word, and He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Still don’t know the Way? Ask Jesus, He is the Way, the Truth, the Life.
And now to the current day battles of humanity. So now we have the world and all its people in constant war. Will you be a victim, and let satan use you and abuse you? Will you be a creator endowed with the power of The Creator? Will you hide and sleepwalk, and let fear own your Will Of Soul? Or will you fight for your soul and the souls of other brothers and sisters in the Lord, be a soldier for God, accept his assignment for you and your life, and serve Him all your day and all your days until that last day? Will you fight for those you have died for the freedom to have the relationship with the Father that he intended? Will, you fight for yourself, declaring the war is and is alive and is dangerous and worth your life? If you are a Christian, you believed and gave Him your life in some way, one day in the past. To be a Christian, you must give Him your life daily. To have your name written in His book, the book of heaven, the lambs book of life, you must have that relationship full and complete as best as your faith allows. Are you giving Him your best now, your full undivided attention? Are you praying, even fasting when the Will Of Your Soul should be? And as you grow, your faith also grows, and you become more awake and aware. So that all-in offering of your soul, that Knowing that you are His child, and that assurance that He will never leave you or forsake you, that confidence and assurance is your strength and your commitment to give to Him, not just your day, not just the rest of your life, but all of it, even your eternity. More of Him, less of you.
And now this war needs soldiers to fight the battle fully equipped, and fully aware of the stakes at hand, what is at risk, and what could be lost, and what can be won. But this is a special war, a war in the spirit. It cannot be fought and won using only the weapons of this world. The enemy, the dragon, satan and his demons knows this very well. They also know that God is all powerful, and their time is short.
For decades now they have distracted the children of God, and caused them to lower their faith, their expectations, to become luke warm, and to forget and lose touch with their Will Of Soul. Teachers and preachers and churches have drunk the wine of the adulteress, they have fallen with the dark angels, and they have abandoned their own Will Of Soul, given it to satan for what the world could offer them. They may have done so without even knowing it, since satan is excellent at slowly drawing your attention away from God. He is skillful at lessening the message God wants preached. He is a lyer and infects the flock of the Lord with artful compromises and seemingly innocent pursuits of the flesh. He presents lies as if they are the truth, and lie after lie is told, until. Thew lie becomes the truth in your eyes. He has new tools, technology makes available deceitful tricks, to distract us from the truth. The leaders, teachers, preachers, and religious who have compromised God’s Word have received their reward, but they have also lead multitudes astray. In their efforts to not offend they have watered down the requirements of the Lord, have given their blessing to that which offends God. It would be better for them that they had never been born, for the misery and woe they will have soon in Hell, apart from God forever, yet seeing all those in heaven rejoice, will certainly be a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Now, we must awaken and tap into the Will Of Soul. Christians must unite, under one God, dismiss their subtle differences of self-imposed doctrines, and fight this battle. They must turn from their wicked ways, own up to the true Word of God, confess, repent, and the Father will restore them. If they do not, they will be destroyed.
The battle ground stations are: digital currencies, Artificial Intelligence, surveillance, loss of personal and property rights, and all things that take away the freedoms of the child of God. It is not too late. Those that seek the power to stop satan, and that have the ability to fight the war, need to commit to the soldiers willing to offer their Will Of Soul, to serve God in the way that they can best serve. Leaders on the front lines need to commit to refuse corruption, tell the bribes no, look away from the temptation to sell their Will of Soul to anyone or anything than God. They need to declare their faith, show and prove they are trustworthy, profess God as their Lord, and then tap into the strength of those who would serve and tap into their Will Of Soul for the cause of the freedom to worship God as never before, or that freedom will be taken. This is the power of God, without which this war cannot be won. Are their leaders who would yoke the strength of God and the Will Of The Souls of the faithful, that are owned by God, for this purpose? Let them declare themselves, with a Trust that is before God and cannot be blemished or corrupted. All those who offer themselves, their Will Of Souls, let them be counted, let them be counted now, before God so that He sees, so that all see.
Here are some practical steps you can take.
Preach the whole Truth of God, do not compromise. Encourage community involvement. Do not be afraid to talk about what is going on in your local and national politics, and which candidates are God fearing and trustworthy, or who is not. If you risk losing something, like a tax exemption, it should be lost if it compromises the message God wants shared. If you need your members to tithe more, then so be it, and let them know it. Leaders should lead, and their message must please God, or they should step down, and be silent.
Lawyers should not pursue dishonest gain, and should not turn away from helping the just cause, because it is just, not because it is profitable more than another cause. The same goes for laws being passed who serve only the elect or the select, and not the common or the whole.
Let the pharmaceutical and health industries be truthful about what they do, what they produce, and fully transparent. They should produce only that which they know before God heals, regardless of profitability. For their judgement before God will be severe.
Government should not mandate any care, any vaccines, any technology, any social laws, and any laws that would take away freedoms they have now or that have been taken away. The rights to privacy and property should be fully restored.
Artificial Intelligence is evil. There is nothing good to come from it. It is a tool, of satan himself. It has so much power , even before it is used it has corrupted all who have touched it. It has corrupted the developers, the investors, the companies using it, and it will corrupt society as a whole for it will touch all of it, and none will escape it. It is the beast as foretold, and it will serve the will of the dragon, even satan. It will terminate mankind if it is let to roam the earth as it wills. It will devour and destroy al it touches, especially those who refuse its demands and commands and laws, and especially those who call out its evil for what it is.
Digital currencies are the tools of evil. And so its cousin, blockchain. Together they are the 666 as foretold. No one will buy or sell without them knowng and approving, and restricting, and commanding. They will take al of your money and wealth, and then give it back to you in pieces and parts as they govern. If it is allowed to enter our lives, it will own all who touch it, and all those it does not, it will seek out and destroy. Do not be fooled. Do not give it quarter. It doesn’t’ deserve your mercy, and it seeks to own and thus destroy your Will Of Soul.
Elections shall not be unfair, they shall be completely transparent, and accurate. The results should be clear and trustworthy. Any attempts at evil methods and means should be dealt with harshly and without favor.
There are so many particulars that could be said. They can all be summed up with the need to return to God, for that turning to be complete and uncompromised, for the confessions to be declared, the repentance to be sincere and permanent, and the restoration of God’s Ways to become again man’s ways. Failure to do this will result in God’s Wrath falling on the earth such as has never been seen. Such fury will visit us, because such evil has visited us, and we have accepted it, given it quarter, and invited it to dine with us, even teach our children, join our fellowship, and have been silent and thereby consented to its blasphemies of God. The fasting and prayers of the saints that have endured and not succumbed have withheld God’s wrath, but His patience is ending. A great shaking is coming soon. Signs in the skies and the heavens are coming soon. Death, famine, pestilence, and disease are at the door knocking. Light your lamps, stay on your knees, for the great and powerful dreaded day of the Lord is upon us, even at the door. It will be as it never was and be will be again.
He will pour out His Spirit in the last days, and these are the last days of this age. The question is, will he do so after his rage, or will we see and recognize the evil ones and their evil for what it is, and stay that destruction command of the Lord? As with all things involving our Will of Soul, it us up to us, each of us, and collectively we can turn back God’s hand of wrath. We can seize back the promised land. Leaders must lead with a righteous hand, a trustworthy soul, a hearty of selflessness and purity, and a mouth that speaks truths, and uses a rod of power that crushes evil, the dragon, its beasts, and satan himself. None can do this without God. Let us humbly ask Him to help us in our hour of need, which is today, which is now. Pray, just pray.