God is! Prophets have tried to describe him using words from their heart and mind and soul, if even words can live in the soul of a person. But words fail don’t they? Thoughts fail also. Even in our imaginations, though we see images, what we see fails in comparison to what we know. But we don’t know Him, we cannot, ever, until we are in heaven with Him. But we can Know Him, with a capital “K”. Capitalizing the word Knowing encapsulates all that heaven has reveled to us in our spirit about Him, all that we have learned by reading the scriptures, and also all we have experienced of Him with Him by the Holy Spirit. Having stated how impossible it is to explain who God is and describe Him, I will still try here.
The Father, God, The Creator, my Abba, your Abba, and all the other names we find in scripture, is the most certain and the best and the immovable and the eternal . There is no other one that can ever be more than him. No one is more of anything because he made everything . We can rest knowing we are his children and not a child of anyone or anything else . There is nothing to trust more than him. There is nothing to hope more for than him. There is nothing to desire more than him. There is nothing any higher, any stronger, any more certain, any more loving, any more comforting, any more truthful, any more trustworthy, and any more powerful, since He is the author and creator or power itself. I know , there is brain pain in that statement, and because we cannot comprehend some things about God, actually most things, that only proves “God Is” even more, there is that word again: MORE! And if you place your faith in him who or what could honor that trust and care for your heart any more than him. No thing or person can love you MORE. God is, simple MORE! And we will only Know what the MORE is when we are with Him in heaven. For now, we can seek it, and he will give us the MORE we seek of Him, in Him, with Him, and it will be His Holy Spirit in us to reveal it!.
When you believe this you will then see how fruitless how ridiculous how wasteful how false and how pathetic it is to place your faith and trust in anyone or anything else even yourself . The Peace that comes from placing your whole self in him cannot be described or measured or quantified or verified by any worldly or earthly thing, yes even religions and supposedly holy people or churches. His Peace surpasses all tests, all authentication, all searching, all knowledge, all experience, and even life itself . The Holy Spirit confirms all this in a moment without words or knowledge but with a heavenly Knowing just as the angels Know it and Know him. When our spirit recognizes and acknowledges and sees the Holy Spirit, we connect, we are one with Him. If we have His Spirit, then the kingdom of God lives within us. If we have His Spirit, we have Jesus in us, for it is His Spirit that enters us when we receive Him, evidenced by the wind and the fire, the complete forgiveness and unconditional love, the certainty of heaven now and eternally, and also the boldness to witness the Way to others, and that Way is Jesus. And since Jesus is the living Word of God, and we have Jesus in us when we receive His Spirit with evidence, we have the living Word of God in us. And since this is true, by all heaven and earth, when we speak as the Spirit gives us utterance, as He reveals truths for us to Know and share, when he tells us a truth from heaven, we speak and write and share the living Word of God, just as the first apostles did. God never changes. And His truths never change. Yet as He lives in us, His word lives, and we must share when he commands we do so. And that is easy to Know when and how when we are one with Him by Knowing His Holy Spirit in us. What did the first apostles share? What will the last apostles share? Jesus is alive, and He is alive in us, and His Word is alive, and it is alive in us. The Holy Spirit gives witness to this, and as we believe and as He trusts us with it, we must share the living Word of God today.
1 Peter 4:11 Ifanyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.