Are you ready? No you are not! But that’s OK, and that is how it should be. Here is a truth, if you are waiting to give your life to Jesus until you are ready, you will never be ready, ever. If you are waiting until you are worthy, you will never be worthy enough, ever. If you are waiting until you are presentable to Him, you will never be presentable. If you are waiting for the right time in your life, when it is easy, convenient, and you have time for it and for Him, it will never be easy, never be convenient, and you will never have the time, or find the right time to do it. Are you waiting for permission from someone, something, yourself? There is none and none is coming. Are you waiting for the right person to pray with you, teach you how, guide you? No one can do this but you, and you don’t need anyone else, and they cannot do it for you anyways. It’s all up to you and only you. Are you waiting until you can plan it, speak to your church or pastor, read enough of the Bible, study enough sermons and holy talk? There is no additional knowledge of life or scripture needed, no person to pray with or discuss it, can make this happen for you. He wants your heart “as is” and now, not later, because later may never come.
Asking Jesus to help you is simple, timeless, free, unconditional and totally and completely up to you. It is your decision and depends on nothing or no one else. The chance and opportunity to do this has an expiration date, the day you die, or when Jesus comes again, which might be sooner than you think. So use and take the opportunity to be saved while you still can, before it spoils and disappears. If you think that expiration date on your chance of being saved by Jesus is a far way off, think again, it isn’t. It is sooner than you think, and that is a truth.
And on that day, when you do give your life to Him, and you receive Him in you, with evidence, and you have no doubt, you will say to yourself these things. Why did I wait? What was I afraid of? You will be sad for having lived for so long with all the burdens now lifted and taken from you, your sins, your bitterness, your hate, your anger, your addictions, demons inside you, your doubts, fears, anxieties, and worry. But you will be so happy, as you have never been happy before, Knowing without a doubt from heaven and Him that you are forgiven, unconditionally loved, and saved for eternity. You will receive the Holy Spirit in you and He will comfort you, fill you with peace, reveal truths about you, others, the spirit realm, and life and the Father and heaven and eternity, with new eyes, and new senses that can see the Father working in you and others. You will be born again, the second birth, and The Spirit of Jesus will live in you, the Holy Spirit, now and always.
So are you ready? The answer is NO! All of heaven Knows it. But, in your state of unready-ness, full of sin, demons, addictions, fears, and wretchedness, will you decide to trust Jesus and ask Him to help you? I hope that answer is YES! Why wait? There is no answer for that. It is a statement not a question. Don’t wait until you are ready, because you will never be ready! Be honest with yourself and admit it. Be honest with the Father, and ask Jesus to help you even though you are not ready or fit to stand before Him. He Knows that, and wants you just as you are. You are unqualified to receive Him, and always will be that way, until you do. Ask, and you shall receive. But you have to ask with all your heart and mind and soul that leaves nothing on the table, nothing in reserve, nothing for later, no what ifs. It’s an all in ask. He waits for you, not until you are ready, but when you are not, and you simple decide to ask anyways. Ask Him now!