If I could Speak to the whole world at once and was guaranteed their full undivided attention for 60 seconds what would I say?
If I could stand before God for one hour with all of heaven watching and listening what would I say?
If I could silence the world, as if it did not exist, and quiet my mind in perfect peace, and my body was at complete rest in no pain, yet awake and fully aware of my past present and future, what would I think and dwell on for ten minutes?
If I could peer out into the deepest place in the universe and encountered another being, knowing I was safe and they were curious about who I was, and what earth is, and I had one minute for the communication window to be open what would I tell them?
If I had a life long friend, and us being old knowing our end was soon, and I had not said everything I ever wanted to say, and God had granted us one more time together before that time was over, what would I tell?
If Jesus joined me for three minutes for coffee before the sun shown it’s brightness in the pre-dawn on my porch, and He took the chair next to me, and I knowing this one chance was granted to me and him knowing all things of me and the world, and He looked at me smiling waiting for me to speak, being not swept up in the majesty of that moment but calm and at peace as I have never been before feeling safe and forgiven, unconditionally loved and free to say anything and it would be OK… what would I say to him?

Of all the things God has granted me in my life to experience and learn to rejoice in, and to persevere good or bad, happy or sad, clear or confused, to still wonder about and ask the question why, before I pass and enter heaven with him, and then in a moment know all the answers to every question I had and to never have to wonder again, what one question why would I pursue now with a zest that begs me constantly so that I cannot wait until eternity to know for sure? Is there a mystery I cannot wait to find out? Is there anything at all about life that I cannot wait to know when I am face to face with Him? Or have I learned to be content in wealth or poverty, in love or not, in conflict or at peace, in the crowds or all alone, on a city street or the serene quite of the forest, in perfect health or in immense pain, when I feel life is permanent or when I feel its most real temporary energy, when I feel safe or full of fear, or in mystery or in certainty?
If today it was discovered and announced only to me, and not anyone else, that a planet killing asteroid was hurling itself toward earth knowing for certain the end is coming in three weeks, how would I live that three weeks? Would I tell others, or keep it to myself? Would I stop life itself, and ponder, consider, meditate on the moment , and every moment, and its meaning and significance, as I have none or never before? Would I let fear own my soul, or would my Faith in the Creator of all things rule my heart, that even this tragic ending of all things is His design? Would I convince my mind that this is history and it must have its day, and my soul that whether I live or die, I live in Him, and he in me, always, until the end of time, and thereafter in eternity?
If I knew eternity was just around the corner for me and God granted me access to Him, and the knowing of it, and knowing on that day I would then stand before Him as he waits for me to think, speak or act, what would I do with that precious little time? Would I spend those last days too busy about life driven by its demands and by the control of others or would I seek him and leave all else aside and behind and out of mind, and pursue him at all cost in all haste as my one and only priority and goal?
Do I take for granted time and the passing of it, thinking there will always be more of it? Can I really live knowing each day is a gift, granted to me by the father, to live the best I can pleasing him with all I think, do, and say as if there will be few more?
If I am given the option, and I must choose one, of taking a mark that declares my allegiance to a system of slavery, be it financial, health, political or lifestyle, where my freedom’s are all taken away, versus remaining free but outside the system, declaring my allegiance to that freedom and to my God, the one God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the creator and manager of my freedom, then which shall I shall choose and declare for all the world to see and know? Will I know and realize that both may require forfeiting my life, one where I remain alive but a slave, and one in heaven and free? Do I know that time has not come, do I admit within me that it is here, do I listen and acknowledge the possibility of it is in the air, whispered, as the spirit of it grows stronger each day?
Can I be honest with myself, honest with Him, my creator, who holds my most honest self, my inner most being, my soul, my spirit, the truth of me, and disarm the distractions that satan provides to keep me from it, make true the saturated deceit he so expertly manifests, and can I feel completely safe among the fear and destruction that tries to fool me into thinking being honest is the greatest danger to my soul, when in the light of truth, it is its salvation?

Do I actually know that being honest is not a virtue owned, a talent learned, a skill practiced? Do I by faith know it is the single requirement to Know God? Do I appreciate it is a gift granted by Him to the willing soul who seeks, approaches, submits, and surrenders? Can I see and feel the sharpness of the knife’s blade that cuts pure and strips away that which is false, a lie, a deception from what is honestly me (and you)? Do I look away due to the intensity of the great light, the certainty that is immeasurable, the truth which is only received by faith and not understood, and the time which explains the truth in its perfect way? Do I experience in my heart that His healing is automatic, commenced, and destined? Can I engage and pursue the fact that honesty with God produces healing, a healing which has no greater power, because God is the greatest power there is?
Do I see the honesty gate is, the very narrow gate, that allows the soul to enter into His presence, where nothing is false, pride has no place, and sin cannot enter in? How I had the born again experience, where surrender allows His Spirit to enter in and make His home in you (and me)? Can I truly respect the perspective that honesty is the power to stop the world, and fully appreciate with gratitude each moment of significance, and those that are not? Do I understand the significance of honesty, its persuasive prompts, as it convinces the soul it is worth all its attention, all its effort, all its pursuit? For the sake of my soul, my eternity, and my life, can I take action when I have realized without a doubt, by faith, that when there is true, complete, willing , surrendered honesty of a life to God, nothing else exists, but the Father and His child? Does the child in me see that the adult of him or her wants nothing else but to be known, valued, held, listened to, safe, secure, forgiven, and loved by something so certain that all other things are subject to it, to Him ? Can you bring yourself to admit fully that honesty is required to be able to assess the condition of the heart, so that if that heart is not right before God, they can together with every effort, every resource, every ounce of sincerity, desire, and significance, make it so? Being one with God requires complete honesty with Him, for He is God, and requires nothing more, nothing less.