Theologian? Religion? Seriously?

Just Have Faith

How hard it is for someone who has obtained a vast knowledge of God through great effort and intent to abandon all he has learned as vanity, and simply have faith for who God is and what He can do. The same applies to a wealthy man who has spent his entire life accumulating it to then give it away with nothing but faith, only for the chance to know God and have his kingdom inside them.  I was doing a bible study recently and someone made an entry qualifying themselves by saying they were:  the leader of a group called every woman is a theologian.  Really?  First, let us not set ourselves apart by what we study.  Doctrine only divides. The Word of God is gender neutral, just like Love.  It is also lifestyle neutral, and everything else neutral. His Love is for all of us, and fills us each with exactly the Love He knows we need and want.  Second, a theologian?  Really?  When someone says they are such a thing, I immediately turn away.

Once again, we should not set ourselves apart from each other by saying anyone has to study, accumulate a volume of knowledge, even of God, or have to earn or accomplish their way into the Kingdom of God.  Who can ever understand the thoughts of God? If it were so, then no one would enter in, because we could never do or learn or know enough to qualify.   Yes, we are all unqualified to Know Him, and the more unqualified and the more we are not a theologian, the better.  The more theologian we become the further we go away from God and the Truth.  He doesn’t need or want our brains, our money, our abilities, our accomplishments, he only wants our hearts completely given to Him.  Why would he want what we know about Him since he already knows not only everything about himself, but everything about you, and everyone else past, present, and future?  Why would we study a scripture that is perhaps 3,000 years old, when we can listen and learn from the Holy Spirit who lives in us today, for the Living Word of God He will reveal to us today. That is not heresy, that just makes sense. The older written Word is good, but the Word He gives you right now is also good, perhaps better because it is good for all but also given just to you for you for your needs right now today. Have you used your brain and invested a lot of time, money, effort, energy to learn or accumulate something you think draws you nearer to God than someone else.  Know this as true… the least of you will be first, and the best of you will be last to enter in, if you enter at all.  He loves the humble, and despises the proud.  The more we think we know, the more puffed up we become, the more “rights” we think we deserve, the better position we think we have earned, etc.

Also, know this.  Anyone who loves something more than God will not have Him or Know him for He is a jealous God. When a heart can empty itself of the world and make itself ready to be filled with God, He will surely fill it. For He is also a faithful God to those who seek Him with all their heart and mind (yes all their mind) and soul leaving no effort out or stone unturned. And in that place where you don’t expect He will be, there He will reveal Himself to you.   When you have gone to the depth of true and total honesty, there He will be. When you have confessed all that you know is filth, vanity, worthless, there He will be. When you have surrendered everything you do not want to surrender, there He will be. When you have laid down your weapons, when you have abandoned your trust in what you know, when you have come to the most desperate thing that you cannot overcome, and ask for his help ,there He will be to help.

And the helper will come just as He said He would and you will not doubt Him and you will need no other counsel or teaching or knowledge.  You will have experienced God, which requires nothing but your undivided attention.   And when you do experience Him, with evidence, you will vomit your knowledge, your strengths, your abilities, your wealth, your sin, and all you are because Knowing Him makes all that seems worthless.  He will be in you, of this you will not doubt, even if everything you “know” tells you otherwise, and you will trust no one or no thing more from that moment on than Him. He will be as real as the mid-day sun burning your skin yet as cool as the evening breeze when the hot sun sets. Unconditional Love will be your reality and His forgiveness will be your freedom from all things that bind and cripple and are a burden . His power in you will be the boldness you use to share Him with others, readily, willfully wantingly.  This relationship is for all the unqualified souls who would seek Him in this way where nothing else matters, even life itself . Give him your life and He will give you His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to live inside you, and you will live life abundantly in Him.

Here is an odd question. Why should I teach you how to live as if God is in you?  It makes no sense.  If you have been born again, received the Holy Spirit wind and fire with evidence, you don’t need me to explain it, you have it in you.  He is your counselor, teacher, friend, advocate, helper.  Those that do not have Him, are seeking Him by learning, listening, reading, watching.  And this is good, and the Word should be preached so that those who are seeking Him will know.  But as soon as possible, you should end this knowledge search, and know that being born again should not be a lifetime thing.  It is not a lifelong process that ends with no ending. It is a decision of the will! Your will is that most inner, protected, sacred part of you that represents you and your life. Seek Him with a sense of urgency, because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.  In fact, set aside everything else you can, to find Him now, today.  And when you sense He is asking for your heart to be given, give it!  Do not hesitate, for He offers Himself once, but not endlessly as if He is a carnival ride or amusement you can either choose to get on or not. He is God, Creator of all, and if He offers Himself to you, do not hesitate in the slightest, seize that day, for that day and hour may come only once for you.   So I ask you this, “will” you ask Jesus today, to help you?

Author: tutonius

I am an Apostle of Jesus Christ. I received the Holy Spirit baptism just as the first did, with the wind and the fire. It happened then, it happens now, God is the same then as He is now. Ask and you shall receive.

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