A message to all those who have Hacked this website

I wanted to post this very important message to all those who have tried and succeeded at hacking this website over the past months. Whether they have been bots or real humans hand typing their way to try to destroy this website and its message, its wrong. Even the lesser attempts, such as registering as a member, and using false email, just so you can infect the site, and use it for your own purposes, such as even advertising, its simply wrong. It is an offense against God. Imagine walking into a church, pick a church of any kind, even the one you might attend or want to attend one day. And as you enter it you deface it, vandalize it, and scream blasphemies into its air.

Then you steal anything of any value, and make it so destructive that it cannot be used for its services. This is what you do when you do anything to this website that is disrespectful to the purposes that God intends for it. When you do this destruction, that act so disfavors God, that it would in fact be better if you were never born. Does this sound harsh? It is justice. Though you may think you are getting away with your evil, you are not. I tell you the truth, you are actually making a place for yourselves in the next life in hell, where there is no God, and there is weeping and gnashing of teethe. Those of you who have done this, I say to you stop now, while you can. Those of you who feel God’s wrath, repent now, while you still can. Those of you who have relented and feel you need to atone to God, contact me, and you can help me get the Word of God out to more souls searching and thirsting for God’s Word and Him in their lives. Forgiveness is for us all, and we need to forgive each other our sins against one another. This hacking is evil. But there is evil in the world, no doubt. However, if even one heart repents of that evil, then God’s will is done. I have no bitterness, no vengeance, no curse upon you for what you have done. Justice is for the Lord to serve upon whoever He decides. For me, please stop stealing God’s will for this website. Repent, and contact me, and I will forgive you and welcome your help to help me spread God’s Word to the world. Perhaps we can put those special skills to work for God and d good with them, and not evil. We can together give glory to God by what our hands do, our mouth speaks, and our hearts give. God bless you all.

Author: tutonius

I am an Apostle of Jesus Christ. I received the Holy Spirit baptism just as the first did, with the wind and the fire. It happened then, it happens now, God is the same then as He is now. Ask and you shall receive.

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