I am an Apostle of Jesus Christ. I received the Holy Spirit baptism just as the first did, with the wind and the fire. It happened then, it happens now, God is the same then as He is now. Ask and you shall receive.
This is where I received the Holy Spirit baptism, by this swimming pool, while I was working, right where the middle set of chairs and table are. I was making notes to myself about God and Jesus, in 1980, Largo, Florida. And I wrote these words: “OK Jesus, you fight Satan for me”.
Jesus lived, is alive, and everything in the new testament letters is true. I testify that I received the Holy Spirit wind, and the tongue of fire just as they did, the first apostles. It is fact. It happened then, it happens now, and I am living proof. You have been told. Stop doubting and believe!
Ya know … I always start with that phrase after I have given something a lot of thought and research and prayer and have a revelation of knowledge or spirit truth and have to share it so ya know… pause for you attention… I have been watching marvel movies lately. Never saw them before. And when I watch I try to see God in what the writer intended. In any movie that is all fun, excitement, special effects, and cartoon violence there are messages worth hearing and seeing, things said that are noteworthy, of value. And of course that is true with every word in the 27 letters of the Bible and the older books too, and when we receive a word of truth from the Father from His Spirit in us. I see these heroes with super powers and they fight these battles, get absolutely crushed and somehow, not only survive, but also just shrug it off and get up and keep fighting. Well, we have to remember that we are heroes and we have super powers within us, far greater than anything a computer can generate and put on a silver screen.
I want to share a healing I received from the Lord with you. I attended a special service, in a church, I had never been to before or since. They were a traveling ministry that gave a three day service of preaching, praise, singing songs and generally worshiping the Lord. I was standing in a pew singing along, and some of the people helping to administer the service were walking around, praying for one another. One person came to me and laid his hands on my chest, and another also came and place their hand on my back. They prayed for me, while everyone continued to sing, clap their hands, and praise God. I submitted to their praying. By that I mean…
As I opened my eyes this morning, I thought of myself as a Father, and wondered what this Father’s day would hold for me. Then, immediately knew the selfishness in that thought, when I offered this day to Him, my Father, our Father, in heaven, as I always do, each day. But what gift could I ever give God, who created everything? The answer came easy, me, and my day, my thoughts, my time, my heart. Life is a gift, from Him, by Him, because of Him, and I can give that back to Him, and see Him smile, and I Know He is pleased. I always tell my kids and grandkids, when they ask me what gift or thing I would like for Father’s day, so they can show their appreciation for what I have done for them. I say, just do something for me, clean my truck, or let’s just do something together. But really, they are my gift, just being with them, and the fact that they would honor me with their hearts, so I could know their love.
I want to share with you and experience that I had I little while back. I was in a doctor’s office, and I knew one of the assistants. She sensed I needed prayer, so we went into one of the rooms and she prayed for me. While she was praying, she touched my forehead with her finger. About halfway through our prayer session, I asked her if she smelled that. She just kept praying and didn’t acknowledge what I said. I said again do you smell the holy oil? And she just kept praying. The room had filled with a fragrance so amazing that all I could think then and all I could think now is it was holy oil of God. It was an amazing aroma. As soon as she finished praying the smell left. I mean, the whole room was full of the fragrance, and then there was absolutely nothing left of it. I can’t remember specifically what she prayed, but I was in agreement with her, and it was powerful. I asked her again, I said did you smell that. She said no she didn’t. She said that was just for me from the Lord.
Let the fertile ground of my garden grow Godly things Let his beauty and grace be glorified in His creation Let my thoughts dwell only on those things that please Him Let the Holy Spirit dwell here, and make His home here Let Jesus walk among the flowers and be joyful By your authority I will tend it well I will not let the weeds take root, I will tear them out, and cast them far.
The Father knows we need peace and safety from the world and all that is evil in it. Jesus told his disciples over and over again, fear not, the world has many troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world. From the beginning of time until now, God has sent three arks for us to use. The first ark was Noah’s ark. The great flood was coming. God saved a small group, and all the living creatures as well, by giving Noah the task of building a large boat, an ark, by which they would be saved. This required great faith and obedience and effort. He heard God’s voice among all the distraction, deception, and destruction, listened carefully and, with great courage, did what the Father asked him to do.
Revelation 13:18 says, “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” Do you want to know its meaning? How can you know? How does someone receive a Revelation from the Father? To receive a revelation from God, it requires a few things of you. First know that it does not come from you, your mind, even your imagination, no matter how much you want to know it. Second, ask honestly, why do you want to know it? Is not His Grace and your Faith sufficient for you to live each day fulfilled pleasing Him? Do you want a revelation for your needs, or His? Why would He want you to know such things? Maybe it is better for you if you do not know. Do we really know what is best for ourselves? True, sincere prayer can answer this for you.
The first apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ were chosen, and were people just like you and me. Jesus tried to explain to them the relationship He had with His Father, but without the Holy Spirit in them, they just didn’t get it. Flesh and Spirit, though they reside in the same body, have different lives.
When we can experience first hand God working in our lives and the lives of others, it is so encouraging, faith building, and assures us we are in His will and His constant vision. It confirms, He knows us inside and out, even the number of hairs on our heads. Today I want to share with you when my grandma went on to be with the Lord. I say this because the experience confirms it. Let me tell you the story. My grandma had cancer. She had a few months left, and she knew it. She was a Catholic her entire life, and talked about “her loving Jesus” to me many, many times.
I want to share an experience I had at the Cross. I attended a special worship service, years ago. Two significant things happened during that service, that I personally experienced. The people had set up a replica of a Holy of Hollies tent. During the service the leaders walked around and prayed for people, laying on hands. They prayed for me, and one person put their hand over my heart. I felt a burning right there, in my chest growing stronger, until it felt like a hot sword inside me. My legs got weak, and then those praying for me left. I felt my sweater, and it still felt hot. When the service was over, I went up onto the stage, to walk inside the display. They had a wooden cross set up. I pressed my hand against it. Immediately I was in the Spirit.
I want to share a revelation from God I received… Many years ago I had a long term illness. I was in pain much of the time. It got old, every day, having to rise above the pain. I was a new born child of God then, learning everyday more about my Relationship with the Father. One day, as I was praying, and the pain was consuming my every thought, I was expressing my Love for the Father to Him, and a revelation came. I remember it like it was yesterday. I suddenly sat up in bed, as an energy filled me, and a wonderous thought directly from Him. Suddenly I felt a Mother’s Love come from Him.
Was I ready? No way! I had a health crisis. I was near death. For a very brief time I went to heaven. Let me simply say I did not want to come back. More on that in a later post. To say the least it all gave me pause, time to reflect, pray, and examine my Relationship with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as I have never done. What I thought was a good Relationship, needed work. I thought I was ready to face Him, but I was not. And that realization struck fear in my heart, anxiety like never before. All my other small fears, anxieties, ticks, habits, concerns were nothing compared to that one thought, I was not ready to meet Him. The world had a grip on me more than I thought. It was in me in places where only He should have been. He was not THE priority in everything, yes everything, and He needed to be, and He needs to be.
This blog is my way of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world, with you. If you are seeking the truth, and wonder if He is it, then you have come to a place where you can find truth and find Him. If you already know Him, and have received the wind and the fire of the Holy Spirit, then this blog is an encouragement to you to persevere, to overcome, to remain in Him just as he is in you. All I can do is share the Word of God as the Holy Spirit gives it to me to share. The question is, is your heart open to hearing, reading, experiencing His Truths and His Love for you.