My Garden, My God

Let the fertile ground of my garden grow Godly things
Let his beauty and grace be glorified in His creation
Let my thoughts dwell only on those things that please Him
Let the Holy Spirit dwell here, and make His home here
Let Jesus walk among the flowers and be joyful
By your authority I will tend it well
I will not let the weeds take root,
I will tear them out, and cast them far.

If their seeds blow in, I will sift them like the sand until they are gone
If they sprout, I will pluck them quickly like the trash they are

I will invite not the toxic thought to enter in
And if one is recognized for what it is, In Jesus’ name it must leave
Let only growth and healing fill the air
Let Faith, Hope, and Love be the water that gives it life
Let the morning mist gently lift at ease
When I walk among it, I walk with you Lord
When I work within it, I work with you Lord
When I take measure of what it is, I gaze with you Lord
It’s beauty though rich does not touch your splendor
It’s fragrance so sweet, yet is forgotten in your Glory
Your light is immense, yet pleasing to my eye
So powerful, yet you allow me to know it, see it, be in it
My garden is for you Lord
A humble offering,
laid at your feet,
with thanks and praise
Knowing you forgive the greatest and least flaw within it
As you do me and my life,
Your forgiveness is far greater than anything that grows there,
the brightest bud,
The most bountiful harvest
And as each flower finishes
You make everything new again
And with each new day, I have hope in you
That I will tend my garden for as long as your light is there. 

Author: tutonius

I am an Apostle of Jesus Christ. I received the Holy Spirit baptism just as the first did, with the wind and the fire. It happened then, it happens now, God is the same then as He is now. Ask and you shall receive.

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