I want to share with you and experience that I had I little while back. I was in a doctor’s office, and I knew one of the assistants. She sensed I needed prayer, so we went into one of the rooms and she prayed for me. While she was praying, she touched my forehead with her finger. About halfway through our prayer session, I asked her if she smelled that. She just kept praying and didn’t acknowledge what I said. I said again do you smell the holy oil? And she just kept praying. The room had filled with a fragrance so amazing that all I could think then and all I could think now is it was holy oil of God. It was an amazing aroma. As soon as she finished praying the smell left. I mean, the whole room was full of the fragrance, and then there was absolutely nothing left of it. I can’t remember specifically what she prayed, but I was in agreement with her, and it was powerful. I asked her again, I said did you smell that. She said no she didn’t. She said that was just for me from the Lord.
I did not know why that happened when it happened. I still really don’t know why as often as I have thought about it. But I know what happened, and it was the Lord anointing me with his holy oil. His spiritual Holy oil. It was a miracle. I suppose there’s miracles of all kinds. And when the Lord chooses to bless someone, who are we to question how a blessing comes or what he blesses us with. All I know is it is from him; I receive it totally without question or judgment, and I know by faith that there’s a very good reason for it. And, it’s OK if I only heaven knows it and I don’t. Whatever purpose it had or has, I’m thankful for it.
My house is sick with a virus right now. Although we are trying to do everything we can to recover, including prayer, someone said this morning is there anything else we can do. I said I know something, I remembered my Holy Oil experience. So, I did a little research and what holy oil is. And there’s many different ideas of what people think on that. So, I went to the book of James chapter 5, and I read it. I went to the kitchen, and I poured a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil into a flask. I set the flask on my Bible next to the words in James 5, and I asked God to bless this oil and make it His Holy Oil. I prayed that He would heal my home and all those in it by the blood of Jesus, in His powerful name. I anointed myself with the sign of the cross on my fore head.
Then I dipped my finger into the flask and put the sign of the cross on my own fore head and asked for healing, and then above every door going in and out of the home. Then over every doorway and home. I asked God in the name of Jesus to bless going in and coming out of anyone or anything in our home. I asked God to heal my home and anything that was dark or evil to leave, and to completely fill it but the Holy Spirit. I prayed once again that he would heal each person in my home from all sickness, and I named them by name, in the name of Jesus. And, although the others weren’t home at the time, I didn’t wait, I acted as my Faith directed. I will anoint them when they get home.
There is something about anointing with the Holy Spirit and anointing with oil that is spiritually important. I don’t really understand it I just know it in my spirit. All I know is that in this time of great need for healing, no previous experience about being prayed for laid hands on and smelling the sweet fragrance of holy oil reminded me but there’s power in it. Someone said is there anything else we can do, I am mediately recall that experience. I don’t think it’s so important that we worry about getting things like this correct. I think it’s more important and we act on faith and just do with the Spirit leads us to do, when he prompts us to do it. Because he understands it fully, and the definition of faith is simply believing and trusting him, even if we don’t understand the process. In fact, if we wait to understand the process before we do something like this, we will probably never understand it enough to do it in the first place. So, an act of faith is rewarded, and honored. I also prayed to God that as his child and I have the right to prayer of this kind and a right to healing and a right to anoint with oil, and to expect success with my request. I prayed out loud that I laid all this at his feet, and now when we do receive our healing, which was already in progress, we will give him the praise and the glory for it.
In these times, when so many are sick, and anxiety and fear try their best to discourage us, and to separate us from our relationship with the Father, prayer works to keep that bond. And when he lays upon our heart something we should do by faith, let us not question it, let us act according to his will, in obedience, and in Faith. So, you don’t need a priest, or an official Holy person, other than yourself. You can do this. I’m no one special, but I am a child of God, and I am his son. If you are a son or a daughter of the creator of the universe and all that is, because you have put your trust and faith in Jesus, then you can do this too. Pray the prayer of James five, find some Olive oil, anoint yourself, and all your family with the sign of the cross on the fore head, and then claim your house as the house of the Lord, and just do what I did. You have the right to do this. You just need to decide to do it, by Faith.